Future of Seattle Schools Discussed Tonight on Seattle Channel 21

Tonight on Seattle Channel 21 at  7 p.m., on City Inside/Out the topic will be the future of Seattle Public Schools featuring Susan Enfield and Sharon Peaslee.  I did an interview segment awhile back (and nearly forgot about it) so I'll be in there as well.


Anonymous said…
I'm watching. I'm glad she's gone. She never sounds authentic to me. He asked what is left to cut and instead of answering, she said it's not what we cut this year but what we've had to cut in previous years. Then why the raises in administration? Why not cut administration?

I'm glad she's gone.

Anonymous said…
If a child enters two years behind grade level. teachers should expect to bring them to within a half a year of their current grade level. In other words, make up a year and a half. No consideration of why they come in two years behind. That's not even reasonable.

For some we can. But to make such a flat statement is just native and unprofessional.

She just dissed trained teachers big time. I hope Highline is listening. Traditionally trained teachers are guaranteed to be any better.

I'm so done with her.

Anonymous said…
Make that naive - sorry!

Dorothy just made Enfield look good.

Anonymous said…
I'm sorry . . I'm typing too fast. She said "traditional teachers are not guaranteed to be any better than TFAs. No more posts for now.
dan dempsey said…
"She said "traditional teachers are not guaranteed to be any better than TFAs. "

Guaranteed eh? ... Is that how data is assessed by Enfield?

So what is guaranteed when violating laws? Well for Susan Enfield and her Board when violating WAC 181-79A-231 repeatedly .... absolutely nothing.

Read the action reports that this lady produced... incompetence seems to guarantee Highline SD paying her $220,000/ year. Up from the former Supe's $186,000 .... no financial problems in HSD, I guess?
Anonymous said…
Dan, everybody should be up in arms over that statement. I'll donate to move her out the door tomorrow.

mirmac1 said…
What I want to know is a) who is Stacy Lawson?; b) what is her relationship to DeBell and Carr?; and c) how is her feelings about Enfield colored by the latter's incomprehensible decision to remove Lafayette's long-time well-regarded principal and move her to Coe?

It would appear to me that Ms Lawson felt empowered to slander our new board members, and for that I seriously question her motives.
mirmac1 said…
I have been listening to Enfield's interview. She comes across as insincere, practiced, and trying to sound like she actually means and believes what she's saying. Is this what Harvard does to Ed PhDs? So they have a worse case of this, or what?
Anonymous said…
That was my impression as well, mirmac. She doesn't even sound particularly articulate or bright. I posted a similar reaction several months ago when I caught her being interviewed with counterparts on TVW. She doesn't cut it.

Good luck to Highline.


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