Pinehurst: Up in the Air

From the Superintendent to Pinehurst families:

Seattle Public Schools is considering the possibility of closing Pinehurst K-8 School after the 2013-14 school year. No decision has been made at this time.

The schedule of events shown below has been created in order to determine whether the school is to be closed. The Superintendent will make a final recommendation to the School Board, which will make the final decision. We are inviting you to attend a meeting 630-8 p.m., Tuesday, Sept. 10 at Pinehurst. At this meeting, Seattle Public Schools staff members will share information, answer our questions and request your input and feedback.

Tuesday, Sept. 10:
• Meeting with Pinehurst K-8 families and staff.
• In the Pinehurst building lunchroom, 6:30-8 p.m.
• District staff will share information and request input and feedback from families and staff with regard to the possible closure.

Tuesday, Sept. 17:
• Discussion with School Board as part of its Work Session on Enrollment Boundaries.
• At John Stanford Center Auditorium, time to be determined.

Friday, Sept. 20:
• A preliminary recommendation will be released by the Superintendent.

Wednesday, Sept. 25:
• Public Hearing # 1 at the Pinehurst Building, 6:30-7:30 p.m.
• Public will have an opportunity to give testimony, make comments.

Thursday, Oct. 3:
• A final recommendation to the School Board will be submitted by the Superintendent.

Tuesday, Oct. 8:
• Public hearing # 2 at the Pinehurst Building, 6:30-7:30 p.m.
• Public will have an opportunity to give testimony, make comments.

Wednesday, Oct. 16:
• School Board introduction of the Superintendent’s recommendation (tentative).

Wednesday, Nov. 6:
• School Board action (vote) on the Superintendent’s recommendation (tentative).

For more information about this process, please visit the Pinehurst K-8 Web page: we will post information as soon as possible.

To submit comments and questions, please send your email to (Thomas Lee Redman, SPS Communications Department).

End of press release.

Okay, so a decision will be made.  It will interesting to hear the pros and cons.


Charlie Mas said…
There is a date for the school board to vote on a recommendation, but there won't be any vote if the recommendation is to keep the school open, will there?
Anonymous said…
Very disappointing that this school has received so little support.

seattle citizen said…
I'm with HP. AS1 (Pinehurst) is Alternative School One: The grandparent of non-"mainstream" schools in this city.
Summit closed;
AAA closed;
Marshall closed;
and now Pinehurst?
(and Pathfinder moved
Nova moved...and moved again)

Shouldn't we be supporting and growing option/alternative programs instead of closing them?
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Please, no anonymous comments (I honestly don't have time to reprint all of them):

"What a disappointment for the Pinehurst community, after an entire year of being strung along by board members and district staff who claimed to be working on finding a new home for the school. Now they have to mount a new fight at the start of the new school year. The families, staff, and students of this school have to be so exhausted and disheartened. Shame on you, SPS, no one deserves to be treated this way!"

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