SEA Rally at Eckstein Middle School
He also said the teachers could strike but they also could just go to work on September 4th under their old contract and continue negotiations.
I spoke with a couple of teachers from Greenwood and Pinehurst. Good spirits but feel that the district just chips away at both their salaries and their class time with students. They worry that Common Core will continue that because "you teach what you test" and what happens to art, music and PE?
What was interesting is that both Knapp and the teachers spoke out about how the supporting school staff - the front office staff and the professionals like nurses and speech pathologists - are getting more thrown at them all the time (just as teachers are). The teachers said they are worried about kids falling through the cracks as everyone is asked to take on more. When I mentioned that they are the teachers and the other people they are talking about are not, they said that everyone in the school building is part of the process of teaching.
I still feel confident in saying there will be no strike and school will start September 4th, new contract or no new contract.
Now, teachers are spending time waving signs and attending extra SEA meetings instead of preparing for the year.
Komo had a totally sensationalist "Strike is in the air!" segment, which is going to get parents upset. The district is claiming strike is in the air so parents get upset.
If no tentative agreement is reached, I think we'll just teach with last year's contract and begin all the fun again next year.
The board and SEA should move this up so things are settled by May. This is ridiculous.
United We Succeed, Divided We Fail
Why isn't this same argument floated with regard to teachers? If you want to keep talent, then pay them well and give them what they need? Why are teachers exempt while one placeholder after another fills the top spot and does, essentially, nothing of lasting value?
We've already told our grand child, your start might be a littler delayed, and precisely why. We haven't filled his head with 'Selfish teacher' nonsense. It's all about fairness. Even a 7-year-old gets it.
Mr. White
Mr. White
I have teacher relatives, and I KNOW how hard they work, how little respect they often get, and how, in many, many districts, they're dealing with larger classes, fewer supports and pay issues. But they don't walk on water. Other staff deserve respect too.
Also United
My point was that the teachers are not "every man for himself" but support EVERYONE in the building. There are those who believe the teachers are in it for themselves and I'm point out that it isn't true and the contract has not gone through because of that stance.