Struggling System, Part Two

From SPS Communications:

Student  Information System now live, Waiting List Moves will begin August 31
We want all families, including those with students on wait lists, to know what to expect as we implement a new, improved student information system. The system is live as of August 26. However, we must carefully check current capacity at schools before we begin moving waiting lists. We expect to begin moving waiting lists no later than August 31. 
Waiting Lists: We expect to begin moving waiting lists no later than August 31. If your child is on a waiting list for a school, please be sure to check your email and/or voice mail over Labor Day weekend. (August 31, September 1 and 2). We expect to make waiting list moves throughout that period, and will move waiting lists where space is available. Please remember, however, that we typically are not able to offer seats to all waitlisted students. We understand how important it is to families, students and staff to have this information. We apologize deeply for the delay.
Transportation: Transportation letters will be sent to you at the end of August, as usual. your child is on a waiting list and you are offered a space at your choice school, transportation information will be updated as soon as possible.
We apologize for the delay in implementing this new system
We apologize to families, staff and students for the delay in implementing our new student information system, and for any resulting inconvenience. We understand that it can be very frustrating that we are not able to move waitlists until approximately August 31. Our teams have been working virtually around the clock and will continue to do so until we have a fully functioning system. We thank you for your patience.
At your school: we ask for your patience. Staff at your schools have been trained in the new system, and are still receiving additional training. As with any change, it will take time for everyone to be proficient in using the new system, so service at your school may be slower than usual. We ask you to be patient --- school staff want to provide you the best service possible!
Who can help me with questions?
For help with enrollment, please contact:
Email: Service Center
Phone: (206) 252-0760

Fax: (206) 252-0761

Hours of Operation: 

8:30am–4:00pm M-F
For questions on access to the Source, please contact your school after September 4.
Additional background information - Why are you making a system change at this time?
SPS’s old student information system was failing repeatedly, and was no longer supported by the software company that developed the system. Therefore we made the decision to make the change to PowerSchool, one of the top five student information systems in the nation.  In spring 2013 we implemented some parts of the new system, including a replacement for The Source, the information system that is available to parents and guardians to check on student attendance, grades, and test scores. 


Anonymous said…
Very happy for the families on wait lists that the system is back up.

Last year wait list offers were made by e-mail and you only had 48 hrs. to respond before losing the offer. Perhaps, the response time will be extended for wait list offers that go out before/during the holiday weekend. I know of more than one family that will be camping or taking a family trip to areas secluded from computer/cell phone connections.

Thank you to the enrollment staff that will be giving up their holiday weekend to move the wait lists along.


Anonymous said…
Wait a minute- the district has been delayed by more than two months in implementing its new system, and now they expect families to wait by the phone over Labor Day weekend to get a call about a waiting list!?

Plus, there's been no communication to district families about this "plan", or about the "new system." It's only families who happen to check back on the SPS site repeatedly who might see this message if they click to see more on a homepage message. The current message says:

Waiting Lists:
We expect to begin moving waiting lists no later than Aug. 31. If your child is on a waiting list for a school, please be sure to check your email and/or voice mail over Labor Day weekend. (Aug. 31, Sept. 1-2). We expect to make waiting-list moves throughout that period, and will move waiting lists where space is available.

It's nice of StepJ to applaud the enrollment staff for giving up their holiday weekend, and she's right that it's probably not their fault. That's quite beside the point, though. Where is Banda and where is the board? Where is the other highly paid district leadership like McElvoy and the other cronies? WTH is going on with this @$*%+#@ district!?
Gregory said…
Well, this appears to be a reaction to the growing complaints from staff and parents but really, nothing has changed and SPS can say the system is up all they want to buy time but parents still don't have access to any online info. This is a statement that should have gone out weeks ago in a phone or email message to parents and staff. Let's see if there is any accountability in the coming weeks.
Anonymous said…
This is really a great thing. Now the students will get the benefit of this new system.
student information system software

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