News From the Seattle Council PTSA

Strategic Plan Updates
Be sure to review the work done so far on the Superintendent’s Strategic Plan for Seattle Public Schools. The final plan will be presented to the community in mid-May, including at the Alliance Breakfast on May 14 (see below), at the SCPTSA meeting on May 19 (see above) and at other to-be-determined dates and times. (Now Hale is supposed to have Dr. G-J at the end of April; I wonder if she'll unveil it there or wait for a larger event like the Alliance breakfast.)

Everyday Math Family Engagement Training available in May

Seattle Public Schools Family Partnerships program has developed a training session to help share how families can help their students with the Everyday Math curriculum. This session is designed for parent leaders who will share this information with their school communities. Please contact if you’re interested in attending a training in May; date(s) to be determined based on interest.

WA State Board of Education Science Standards Survey
Deadline April 21, 5pm

The State Board of Education (SBE) has released an Interim Report on their review of WA State Science Standards. They are taking feedback and recommendations through an on-line survey until 5pm on April 21. [Note: You will probably want to read at least the Executive Summary of the Interim Report recommendations (pages 3-5) as the survey relates directly to the recommendations.] The State Board of Education is also planning to vote on new K-8 Math Standards on April 18 and new High School Math Standards in July (see: Mathematics Standards for more information.) The SBE’s two other key initiatives relate to System Performance Accountability and the Meaningful High School Diploma Project.

UW Head Lice Survey: Have Your Voice Heard Regarding Head Lice!

Note from researchers: Please participate in an important University of Washington survey of parents/caregivers of K-6 kids, regarding head lice policies in schools. The survey is anonymous and takes less than 5 minutes to complete. In order for us to learn more about this bothersome problem it is important that as many parents/caregivers as possible respond.

English version:

Spanish version:

For more information contact Itzhak Gur at the Dept. of Family Medicine, UW. Also, please send him an e-mail to let him know when you forward this survey link to your PTA members.

(I don't know how my kids managed to avoid head lice - we got enough notices in elementary school - but somehow we did.)


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