Strategic Plan question

So, I'm reading the final report from Kinsey and Company, and I can't help noticing this:

C. Central Office
An effective and well-organized Central Office is key to a high-functioning and highperforming school district. Simple and efficient processes free time for instructional and Central Office staff to focus on programs that drive student achievement and attainment. As part of its effort to support SPS and its vision, the Central Office will focus on two goals: becoming efficient, effective, and customer friendly; and implementing a rigorous program evaluation to determine what works. The Central Office strategies for the next five years support attainment of these goals:
• Establish and implement tight financial and resource planning processes
• Build clear, coherent interfaces between IT and District decision-making processes
• Build an HR function that is best-in-class among peer districts

To which I can only say "Huh?!?"

How do these strategies in any way apply to the stated goals? How will they help the central office become efficient, effective and customer friendly? How will they help the District implement performance management? Where is there a strategy for making the District customer friendly? What does an improved HR function have to do with either of the goals?

What am I missing here? Someone help me out with this.


dan dempsey said…
Dear Mr Mas,

Now you know why Large Urban School districts rarely make progress much less significant academic progress.

The hiring of consultants is easy. Rational thought is far more difficult.

Do you suppose "The Economists" rather poor review of McKinsey's work as Educational Consultants was in fact correct.

Help me out here.


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