All it takes is 10 minutes...

Passing on a good reminder I just got from the George Scarola at LEV:
Today, the Basic Education Finance Task Force’s Final Report became House Bill 1410. The four House members on the Task Force, Reps. Sullivan, Priest, Hunter and Anderson, are co-sponsors.

We have a short 24-hour window to add more House co-sponsors to this critical education reform legislation. Send a message to your state representatives to urge them to sign on to HB 1410 today.

Here’s how you can take action now:

  • Or, call your state representatives via the legislative hotline at 1-(800) 562-6000.

Here's what you can tell them:  Please co-sponsor House Bill 1410, which contains the recommendations of the Basic Education Finance Task Force’s Final Report. HB 1410 is a blueprint for building a K-12 system that better prepares our children for college, work and life. Please sign on to HB 1410 to help pass this critical education reform legislation.

From there, I chose to send a message to all of my representatives at once.  It all took less than 10 minutes.


dan dempsey said…
I have a question.

It seemed to me that the "NEWS" lawsuit was to begin in January 2009. This suit was to examine what "education as the Paramount duty of the state" actually means.

Similar suits in New York and Wyoming led to substantial increases in school funding.

Does anyone have any current information on the lawsuit?
Thomas Ahearne of Foster and Pepper was the lead the last I heard.
Unknown said…
A phone call to the 800 number took me less than 5 minutes. And a real actual person answers the phone to take your message! Really and quick and easy.
Hey... advocacy works.
Just got email back from one of my reps (Jamie Pedersen) to say he signed on as a co-sponsor of the bill.
In the words of Andy Dufresne from "Shawshank Redemption", maybe we should write two letters a week now...

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