Community Meeting with Director Maier

From a reader:

Attention NW/N Seattle Community – TUESDAY OCTOBER 27th 2009, 7pm

Loyal Heights PTA, SCPTSA, and CPPS members would like to invite you to a lively evening of discussion and coffee with Peter Maier. Learn what you can do to influence capacity/boundary issues, address I-1033 and the upcoming levies.

Loyal Heights Elementary Cafeteria 2511 NW 80th St

Connect with your local PTA/CPPS people. We would like to involve every school in our region so all kids and communities have a voice!

RSVP is appreciated.
Questions? Concerns?
Carmen Hudson
cell 206-310-9576


Josh Hayes said…
I attended this meeting tonight. There were no people of color at the meeting at all, FWIW.

Nearly all the comments were about adjusting boundaries on the assignment maps. Many were benign, but many were of the form "you should send other families and their kids to other schools, so I can send my kid to my school." Parents were not mollified by the (absolutely correct) point that SPS has over a thousand empty HS seats right now.

I understand their feelings, really I do, and I may be feeling the same in a year or so when my son, who wants to go to Hale, is instead assigned to Ingraham. It's still dispiriting to see the complete lack of sympathy for the plight of parents in parts of Seattle with struggling schools.

I had intended to ask the directors to consider the trivial cost of a single yellow-bus line in the NW cluster for AS1, since Salmon Bay has a wait-list that does not move, and also has transport from NW, N, and NE clusters. If it keeps a dozen kids in SPS, it's a wash. I guess I'll communicate with the directors via email on this one.

Any of our regular contributors at this meeting? Am I being unfair?

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