Rainier Beach High School and Books

I did some checking after our many discussions about helping Rainier Beach High School. I was sad to see that in a recent thread, MKD has pulled her sons out. She and I had a talk as well and she did like many things there including teachers. But I certainly stand by her decision as each of us has to make what we believe is the best choice for our children.

I had discussions with both Mr. Gary and a couple of teachers. There is no issue with math books; they are all new and enough for all. Mr. Gary was going to get back to me on the U.S History books but I haven't heard from him. He said they could use books in 9th grade biology as they have more students than anticipated and the district doesn't give them extra books. Mr. Gary said they have an issue with students leaving their school (and they have a lot of movement going on) and not returning books.

I believe the district has to reenroll a student in a different school whether or not they have paid fines. I will check but I do believe the district COULD tell a student "no sports or other activities until fines are paid or books returned to your original schools". I find it hard to believe that this could be such an issue. You keep reminding the parents/guardians on the student's report card and do not allow students any access to activities. With most students, that might do it.

I also spoke to Theo Moriarty, the unpaid head of AP at RBHS. Here is what he had to say:

For the courses we currently offer we have texts for every student that are issued to them to take home as that is a requirement that the College Board stipulates. We do have a great number of texts that either do not return or return heavily damaged and that does impact our ability to keep the classes going. We have recently instituted departmental budgets for the AP program so that text replacement will be less of an issue. Students have never had to buy their own text books here at RBHS. What we do not have are the funds to offer new sections of AP courses particularly in Psychology, Biology, and Chemistry. If they want study guides or practice guides then students would have to purchase those privately but not texts or primary novels for AP Lit. If your donors would like to pool their potential donations and fund an AP Biology or Chemistry section for next year or fund study guides for students this year then either would be fantastic. We are experiencing growing pains but we had a large increase in the number of students passing the exam last year and hope to have a massive increase this year since we have been prepping the current class of students for two years in their intro classes to have the same type of skill and rigour requirements that AP courses demand. Please feel free to contact me at any time about Advanced Learning programs here at RBHS because that’s pretty much what I do. I also teach our integrated Shakespeare Academy as a team taught course with our Drama teacher Mrs. Brooke Linefsky.

So funding either AP study guides for current AP courses or new books for AP Bio or Chem would be on his wish list.

I do want to say that Mr. Gary is very proud of his school. He feels they are making progress. He is very happy with his music instructor and feels they do have some connections to the Garfield Jazz band led by Mr. Acox. He also said his drama teacher was good and they had connections with some theater groups. I did not speak to either the jazz teacher or the drama teacher so I don't know how well they feel they are doing in creating a credible performing arts section at RBHS.

So, to give money for books at Garfield, we would have to set up an account at the Alliance for Education. That is the easiest for the school to handle per Mr. Gary. We could set up a general fund for Books for RBHS and let Mr. Gary decide where the money goes or we could have sub-groups in the account for 9th grade biology, AP study guides or AP Biology/Chemistry. To think that the only thing stopping more AP at Rainier Beach is books is startling. I do not understand how this is happening with the SE Initiative in place. I'll have to call Michael Tolley about this.

The reason I took awhile to do this was that I didn't want to get any teacher or staff member or principal in trouble. Airing dirty laundry and all. The district can be punitive when they want to be and I didn't want that to happen. That's why I took the time to verify that there was an issue and to find out if we could (or would) be able to help.

I'll wait to hear for comments/votes/suggestions and then I can set up the account at the Alliance.


Unknown said…
Thank you for contacting us directly Melissa. We don't often get that courtesy and it is much appreciated.

I can relate to your bewilderment about students not returning texts! When I see how many students only stay a few months at RBHS and then transfer to Renton, Shoreline, out of state, or even into another Seattle school I am amazed. These students often do not know they are moving or simply don't return the texts when they do. I don't know the solution for this but it does impact my text stocks.

As to texts I would like to give SPS credit. They did fund Advanced Learning with a one time $25k grant. I personally supervised the expenditure of $18k of it and ensured that Human Geo, Lit, Stats, and Calculus all had everything they needed. This became a little redundant when the math adoption happened but we did have everything funded at the start. This included all the enrichment supplies we felt we needed and wanted. I'm not a big fan of test prep books since I have my own test banks and enrichment activities the students can download from my website at any time.

Again, thank you for helping to bring some coverage to the South End.
Shannon said…
I leave it to others to decide the method but would be happy to contribute when you have a plan in place. My initial impulse would be to simply contribute for books and to let those on the ground allocate funds as required.
mkd said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
MKD, I really don't understand this discipline problem. Honestly. I'm thinking there is only so much a school can legally do? What I have found is that when you reach the tipping point of either having cooperative students (who help keep the few non-cooperatives in line) or having non-cooperative students (who wreck the class for those who actually might want an education), that's where a class either works or doesn't work.

If a teacher has that many problem students, okay, they can come to school. But if they won't behave, send them all to a room with a security officer. Let them hang out there until they make the decision to either behave or leave. Make it boring and unpleasant and they will make the choice.

But the teachers at RBHS and most high schools make a sincere effort to make their classes interesting and worthwhile. I don't want to hear "Class is boring."

I remember a letter to the editor at the NY Times back when Obama gave his speech at the 2004 Democratic convention and electrified the crowd. The letter was one of admiration but said that Obama didn't get smart because some teacher unscrewed the top of his head and poured smarts in. Obama didn't get smart sitting in the back of the class and mouthing off. Obama didn't play endless video games or watch tv all day.

Obama got down to the hard work of learning. I don't know how many more role models or how much pleading and begging it will take for some kids. How they believe they have a future without even a high school diploma is beyond me. You saw my appeal to the future Mayor of Seattle to provide jobs (at least summer jobs) for teens to give them purpose and a sense of pride that there is something in the future for them.

But as the writer of that letter said, so long ago, you can't get smarts from someone else. You have to do the work.

What will it take? And how many kids are having their education taken from them by kids who, for whatever reason, just don't care?
dan dempsey said…
OK this really upsets me.

1.) Students do not have to be responsible for District property. I thought that students with outstanding fines were NOT to have their records forwarded until fines are paid. So as things stand we are teaching students irresponsibility is OK.

2.) In regard to behavior is the District or Mr. Gary NOT allowing teachers to enforce the State classroom disruption law RCW 28A.600.020?

The union is apparently worthless in enabling teacher to have decent working conditions when it comes to a limiting disruptions in the learning environment.

How much of the SE Initiative money is flushed away because the Admin does NOT have the gumption to enforce the Law?

Please do not give me that line about disproportionality of discipline based on race. The only disproportion taking place is when disruptive students are allowed to continue disrupting classes.

Here is the LINK to the law.

(2) Any student who creates a disruption of the educational process in violation of the building disciplinary standards while under a teacher's immediate supervision may be excluded by the teacher from his or her individual classroom and instructional or activity area for all or any portion of the balance of the school day, or up to the following two days, or until the principal or designee and teacher have conferred, whichever occurs first. Except in emergency circumstances, the teacher first must attempt one or more alternative forms of corrective action. In no event without the consent of the teacher may an excluded student return to the class during the balance of that class or activity period or up to the following two days, or until the principal or his or her designee and the teacher have conferred.

SO WHY are the teachers not excluding the disruptive students?

My guess is because the administration does NOT want this to happen and because the UNION is useless.

Clearly someone is either NOT doing their job or THE Teacher is NOT allowed to enforce the Law.

So which is it? Perhaps the board or Dr. MGJ would care to comment.

When discipline is poor, property destruction goes right along with it.

So is teaching a real profession? Would hospitals allow unruly patients to throw dirt in others wounds?

The "Club Ed" professionals "downtown" need to answer this.
dan dempsey said…
A whole new thread on school discipline seems in order. Why in South End schools is RCW 28A.600.020 not enforced?

Look at Denny and Aki not just the high schools.

When I was at West Seattle HS in 2006-2007 within 10 days I informed Asst. Principal Bob Court in writing that he was in violation of state law. That got me an administrative beat down with all administrators present at my next available planning period.

My response was to send Raj and CAO Santorno a letter informing them of possible violations of state law at WSHS. Things eventually got corrected but neither Raj nor Carla ever responded directly to me.

Like I said: this is NOT a profession as teachers do not get professional treatment..

Bruce Bivins became principal in Spring 2007 and although NOT familiar with RCW 28A.600.020 was all for enforcing it when I brought it to his attention.

Perhaps MG-J needs to bring this law to the attention of all teachers and building administrators. I would NOT be counting on the pretty useless union to do so.
reader said…
Hospitals can and do deal with disruptive patients... all the time. Ever been to an emergency room? Behavior management is part of the job, just as it's part of the job of a teacher. If a school is overrun with behavior problems, that needs to be handled by the teachers and staff... either by effective behavior management strategies(part of the job) or by supsension and expulsion. It isn't ok to just send all the behavior problems to some sort of holding-tank within the school. That has been repeatedly ruled as a "suspension". That is, an "in house suspension" is really just a "suspension". And when you suspend students, they have certain legal entitlements... you can't just wash those entitlements away with a holding-tank. It is an extremely difficult issue, but you can't just put your head in the sand and say "it's not my job, mon" even if most parents approve of that stance.
ParentofThree said…
Ditto on what Shannon said. I will donate to an account that will funnel the funds (100%) to RBHS. Would be great if the Alliance matched our efforts.
anonymous said…
Reader, kids are removed from the class all the time. All the time.

When kids are little and are disruptive or "need a break" they are asked to stand in the hall outside of their classroom, or go to library and read quietly with the librarian.

In severe cases they are sent to the office.

As they get older a "holding room" seems fair and appropriate. It's not the same as a suspension as the child could decide when he/she was ready to go back to the class room and behave appropriately.

I'm with Melissa on this one. Severe behavior, needs immediate and serious consequences.
Dorothy Neville said…
Honestly, adhoc, a careful reading of Reader's comment would help. Reader is making no judgment; Reader is pointing out that there are LAWS regarding in-school suspension and that is one reason why things are Complicated.
suep. said…
Melissa said... So, to give money for books at Garfield, we would have to set up an account at the Alliance for Education. (…) I'll wait to hear for comments/votes/suggestions and then I can set up the account at the Alliance.

Why do our contributions have to be funneled through the Alliance?

The same Alliance that just spent $14,000 on a dubious "report" by a questionable politically connected organization that takes aim at our teachers?

The Alliance that is helping to pay for two unnecessary Broad Foundation "residents" to add even more fat to SPS downtown administration – trainees from the pro-privatizing, pro-charter, anti-teacher’s union enterprise run by AIG billionaire Eli Broad of which our current Superintendent Goodloe-Johnson is a Board Member?
(http://www.broadcenter.org/about/board.html & http://saveseattleschools.blogspot.com/2009/08/put-them-on-notice.html)

No thanks. I will not entrust any of my money to the Alliance. Who knows how they would actually spend it.

This is the problem -- the Alliance appears to have WAY too much unchecked power over school district finances and policy decisions.

Is there some way to set up an account with the textbook publisher, or buy the books directly and deliver them to Theo and other teachers at RBHS? Is there an equivalent of Amazon for textbooks?

There are far too many middle men in this district. Frankly, I feel much of SPS admin simply gets in the way of getting resources to where they really need to go -- to our kids and to our teachers.
Jet City mom said…
did you know that charity navigator has rated the alliance for education?

It's rated even lower than I expected.
anne said…
I don't think this is a problem unique to RBHS. My son is in spectrum at WMS and is with app kids for math, spectrum kids for la/history, and because they don't group spectrum for science, with general ed kids for science. My son continually complains about how disruptive his science class is compared to his other classes.

On another thread we were discussing the school quality vs. the perceived quality from SES...

With increase in SES comes increase education of parents, more stable families, higher expectations, more focus on education... By MS/HS those kids that aren't getting that support at home are falling so far behind that they have started to give up on success in school and so disruption becomes their only means of getting attention.

Based on my experience so far (one child through MS) I don't think a college bound kid can get a strong MS/HS education in a class that is not segregated by expected rigor, which weeds out these disruptive kids.

I do look at demographics when considering schools. The higher SES to me means higher achieving kids, more advanced learning opportunities and less disruption. I know WASL scores don't show how well the teachers are teaching, but they do map to SES, and I think parents correctly use them as an indication of what the learning environment is like at a school.

Of course their are exceptional schools and teachers that are able to reach these students, even in MS/HS, but I think the best chance is investing in these kids in preschool/ES.
anne said…
Could you use this site to donate?


It looks like there may be some matching funds from the Gates foundation?
Jet City mom said…
Textbooks at RBHS is an ongoing problem- I don't really get it.
ParentofThree said…
I like the DonateChoose option better than the Alliance, even if it does not qualify for matching grants. Maybe tell the Alliance about our efforts and ask them to also contribute.
Robert said…
Anne (or anyone) have you ever had experience with www.donorschoose.org ? I ask because they don't come up on a bbb search and I couldn't find a contact phone number. That said much of their other info is quite impressive I mean Stephen Colbert is on the board! I would say go that route if we can verify their authenticity (especially if they are a non profit which allow tax write offs).
Bird said…
did you know that charity navigator has rated the alliance for education?

It's rated even lower than I expected.


Looks like Charity Navigator was using the numbers from 2007 when only 75% of their revenue went to the schools. That is pretty appalling. Looks like things have improved from their current financial report -- http://www.alliance4ed.org
They report now 84% goes to the schools.

(Tip to the Alliance: put your financial data somewhere that's easy to find. It took me quite awhile to dig up your latest numbers.)

In any case, I'm still rather impressed that they only give 84% to the schools.

Our kid's school asked us to give money to the Alliance to fund all day Kindergarten for all the kids at our school. We gave them a lot of money. I would guess many parents did. The Alliance is just a pass-through for this sort of donation and their overhead should be just about zero.

What's the added value the Alliance is providing? I assume they do seek out other funds that wouldn't just come no matter what, as ours would. If you subtract out donations like our ours though, their overhead looks even worse.
Bird said…
Donors Choose info:

Jet City mom said…
I know Garfield has a site- don't think it is donorchoice, where you can give to classrooms directly
I am shocked that Wing Luke does not have a school printer or copier!
How many other schools do not have basic tools at a time when the admin build seems to have newer equipment?
Jet City mom said…
Well Garfield used to have a site- now it appears everything has to go through the Alliance
Maureen said…
I am shocked that Wing Luke does not have a school printer or copier!
How many other schools do not have basic tools at a time when the admin build seems to have newer equipment?

I have been involved in our building budget process in the past. I don't see how this could be possible unless the staff decided not to use the money budgeted for it by SPS. (and even then, the Technology Levy put a bunch of equipment into all of the schools just a few years ago.) My experience is that SPS delivers basic equipment and tech support and the budget is supposed to cover paper, toner etc.

The post says "We do not have a printer or copy machine in our building" I'm wondering if the class is in a portable and the teacher is fudging a little bit?

Am I off base here? Do any of you know of any schools that don't have a printer or copier?
The reason to go through the Alliance is to make things easier on both sides (giving and receiving). The Alliance cannot use any money for anything when it is earmarked for a specific school. I know that for PTA treasurers, it makes life a lot easier.

I'll look at Donors Choose but I think we may end up going through the Alliance.
dan dempsey said…
Reader said:
"Hospitals can and do deal with disruptive patients... all the time. Ever been to an emergency room?"

Some of the most disruptive patients are handled by the police.

I agree that there are laws that deal with school suspensions. I am unable to find an RCW that allows children to disrupt the learning of others. I believe that neither the union nor the administration is doing an adequate job in dealing with the damage that disruptive students do to the learning environment. Children interested in learning are the losers in this.
reader said…
I believe you said it all, when you quoted the WAC:

Except in emergency circumstances, the teacher first must attempt one or more alternative forms of corrective action.

And those alternative forms of corrective action is all about YOU, the teacher. Sure, it isn't easy. But it is the job.
SolvayGirl said…
Since teachers are not allowed to use corporal punishment (and rightfully so), I don't see how one teacher can be very effective against two or more disruptive students.

If I recall from the article in the Times, the June 2008 rape at RBHS happened after two male students were harassing a female student in class. The teacher asked them to leave and go to the principal. They did not, and after class dragged the girl into the boy's bathroom and raped her.

Obviously, the teacher had no idea it would go that far. But just what is a teacher supposed to do when their requests of students are not followed?

The behavior situation at RBHS is probably one of the biggest reasons neighborhood families shun the school. Few people want their child in a classroom that is constantly being disrupted and possibly dangerous.
Thanks so much for this honest discussion of disruptions in class. It is a HUGE issue. And the reason why schools like RBHS go under-enrolled. I hope this is not a surprise to anyone because it has been true for many, many years.
Johnny Calcagno said…
I am profoundly ashamed that this district and this city is considering forcing families to enroll their children at schools with the kind of issues that are discussed in this thread.

It's a disgrace.
ParentofThree said…
With all that money they are pouring into RBHS, why don't they hire more security and let them sit in classes, remove the students that need to be removed?

What exactly are they doing for the school?
My son is currently a junior at Chief Sealth High School. When he was a freshman taking "honors" classes in preparation for IB he had a core class (English) that had no permanent instructor for about the first eight weeks of the school year.

This class was completely out of control, as were the other two periods of freshman english. At CSHS they encourage all students to try to take honors (yes, I understand the nobility of the gesture) but consequently there are some students in the class that just want to clown around.

A series of temporary teachers taught the class, none staying more than two weeks. The behavior was horrible within the classroom. Condoms were thrown on the floor, loud interruptions, yelling, jumping out of chairs; it really made me question the decision to send my child there.

As you can image, parents (especially parents of freshman "taking a chance" of traditionally poor performing Sealth) were contacting the administration about this. Parents were sent emails asking to volunteer to "chaperone" the classes! The hope was that parental supervision would make the problem students behave. As if!!

What finally stopped this was getting a permanent teacher. He had a real rough time the first week or two, but eventually got the class under control.

My son is now in Running Start, but his friends who are in IB comment on how nice it is to be in classes where all the students in the room WANT TO LEARN.

RBHS is my alma mater. It has always been a "challenging" school. I am happy to hear about the strength of the teachers. That said, the school (and any other) is going to continue to struggle as long as they "turn a blind eye" to unacceptable behavior. That will make the very families you want to stay flee running away as fast as they can.
Anonymous said…
Regarding the Alliance:

It is my understanding that they are holding the grant money that was provided by Gates and the Broad Foundation.

If that is the case, will we as the true "stakeholders" in our children's education have an opportunity to know how that money is being used?

If so, where can I find that information? If not, why isn't there more transparency with the Alliance when it comes to these funds?
Me, I have a friend whose son went through the IB program at Ingraham. He complained about the non-IB classes because of the behavior of other students. He felt that he was wasting his time waiting for the class to settle down so he could learn. He told me he just didn't get why these kids were in school at all. I asked him if he ever said anything to them and he said no because that was the teacher's job.
Anonymous said…
Hmmm, interesting.

No one seems to know the answer to my question regarding the Alliance and the Gates and Broad funds.

Sounds like that's worth investigating.
SolvayGirl said…
Yup, it was the weakness of the pre-IB classes at both Sealth and Ingraham that caused those schools tobe crossed off our lists. I know that everyone on the planet is against tracking kids, but it doesn't seem fair that kids who are eager and willing to work hard, pay attention in class, etc. get stuck in a classroom with enough kids who aren't that the class and teacher become ineffective.

I know that GHS does track a little bit based on test scores and class grades, but I don't know the particulars. I only know that I have a friend who's son was put in a remedial class as a freshman (which she found VERY valuable for him as it worked on all the skills needed to succeed in HS from using a planner to writing techniques).
dan dempsey said…
Parents were sent emails asking to volunteer to "chaperone" the classes! The hope was that parental supervision would make the problem students behave. As if!!

Perhaps Principal Boyd needs to read RCW 28A.600.020.
dan dempsey said…
With all that money they are pouring into RBHS, why don't they hire more security and let them sit in classes, remove the students that need to be removed?

Teachers under 28A600.020 just need to call security to remove disruptive students.

This does not happen because the SPS Central Admin would prefer that the Law NOT be enforced is my guess.

Generally the school Principals do what DownTown wants.
dan dempsey said…
Except in emergency circumstances, the teacher first must attempt one or more alternative forms of corrective action.

The corrective action can be saying to the student:
Please stop disrupting the class with your behavior or you will be removed.

It is all about the administration having the gumption to enforce the law so that students wishing to learn are not disrupted by others.
dan dempsey said…
Can someone confirm this???:

I had heard that the Alliance for Education takes 10% of funds raised as an operating expense.

If so a 1 million dollar grant nets the SPS $900,000 and the Alliance $100,000

Just wondering.
Anonymous said…
The Alliance is simply a pass-through. They take NO money off the top or otherwise.
Dorothy Neville said…
How is the infrastructure of the Alliance funded? Salaries, rent, utilities, etc?
reader said…
The corrective action can be saying to the student:
Please stop disrupting the class with your behavior or you will be removed.

I doubt that "corrective action would pass muster". No doubt that's why your principals ignored your request. There's a whole science to behavior management. Google it. You can even get a degree in it if you aren't effective in the classroom. If you don't participate in behavior management on the teaching side, you'll get what you get. And if you don't really think it's your job, you surely won't be effective at all. And that's on you. No wonder your principals didn't comply... seems they thought so too.
Jet City mom said…
The Alliance is simply a pass-through. They take NO money off the top or otherwise.

I know that it was it was originally made out to be- but they definitely have an agenda.

From an interview with the CEO
On the Alliance's need to remain critical of Seattle schools: It's essential. While we hope and intend to build an increasingly collaborative relationship that aligns with the superintendent's work, we will always maintain an independent, critical voice.

We will always be able to make independent decisions about which areas of the strategic plan we choose to invest in, and which areas we chose not to invest in.

dan dempsey said…
Reader said:
"I doubt that "corrective action would pass muster". No doubt that's why your principals ignored your request."

You could NOT be further off base.

The only principals who ignored my request were those who felt themselves above the law.

1. The "simple warning" does pass muster as corrective action ... although other alternatives are usually employed.
2. Principals do act when they are aware of the law.
3. Once administration pursues effective action disruptions become very infrequent.
4. WSHS principal Bruce Bivins stated: "call security and have any disruptive student removed". He provided me with a list of phone numbers should security not be available.


It seems you should be presenting your enlightened behavior recommendations to the entire staffs of Denny & Aki Kurose in addition to RBHS, Cleveland, and Sealth as well.

You need to get out more as these teachers need your advice.
You might also wish to get the legislature to repeal
RCW 28A.600.020
Show me the data where your plans work in places like the classrooms described earlier in the entries posted by others above.
I've taught in some of the most learning disadvantaged situations possible ... SoCentral LA, Eastern WA High Hispanic populations, Indian Reservations ... etc.
I've also taught in more upscale situations.

I find your suggestions very naive.
They could have come right from the UW CoE wizards.
dan dempsey said…
I still think the Alliance gets 10% to cover "expenses"... if not how are expenses covered?

As Emeraldkity quoted:
"We will always be able to make independent decisions about which areas of the strategic plan we choose to invest in, and which areas we chose not to invest in."

Who made them the "Deciders"?
reader said…
Yeah well Dan... West Seattle High isn't Ranier Beach. If you can't hack teaching at WSH, it isn't because you're teaching at RBH and have rapists in your class. Look up the data yourself, if you are insterested in behavior management. Spouting off RWC after complaining about thing after thing after thing...doing nothing yourself.... well, that gets you nowhere, obviously. I would never want any of my kids in your sorry class, blaming everyone and everything for your own ineptitude, and pride in nothing you are doing.
Reader, I find your comments unkind. You might not agree with Dan but please refrain from personal attacks.
Central Mom said…
Can we get back to where/how we're going to send donations to RBHS?
SolvayGirl said…
I think the best way might be to see if RBHS has a PTA. If so, I am fairly certain they can easily set up a specific account with The Alliance. Then I believe people could contribute directly to The Alliance -- with the money specified for the RBHS Book Fund (or whatever they end up calling it).

The Graham Hill Montessori Scholarship Fund worked that way, as did, I believe, or Playground Improvement Fund. It's been a number of years since I was involved in these sorts of finances, so things may have changed.
Michael Rice said…

RB does have a PTSA. They meet on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 6:30 in the RBHS Library. The President is Ms. Green. I do not have her e-mail handy right now, but I'm sure if anyone showed up at the meeting and wanted to talk about donating money for books, the PTSA would be all ears.

I have not been able to attend this year because I have to jump through the ProCert hoop and our meeting seem to be conflicting with the PTSA meetings.

Thank you all for your concern and passion for RBHS. I would like to once again extend my invite to ALL readers of this blog to come visit and see for yourself Rainier Beach High School.
Unknown said…
As the AP Dept Head and the one who would do the purchasing, I could simply send Melissa the book ISBNs and volume requested if that helps. My personal preference is to go through the path of least resistance which would be from the fabulous Donors directly to the students impacted. The Alliance would be best of any organization simply because they are equipped to give receipts for tax purposes and the PTA is not.
dan dempsey said…
Dear Reader,

Do you care to make any point about discipline in the schools mentioned or is your intent just to insult me?

How did you assess that I can't hack it?

It appears to be easy to slander and defame when you have anonymity.
dan dempsey said…
Prelude to Chaos

by John V. Patrick

Worth reading

John V. Patrick was born in Galveston Texas, the fifth of six children born to Ollie and Virginia Patrick. He attended a segregated high school and college, receiving a BS degree in chemistry, minor in mathematics, and a commission in the U.S. Army from Prairie View A&M University. After the army, he had a short stint as a mathematics and science teacher. Patrick then pursued a career as a research chemist in industry where he rose to become the manager of manufacturing. He later became a Rhode Island certified teacher of chemistry where he practiced for twelve years before retiring.

His interest in education was jolted when he returned to teaching from industry after a thirty-five-year hiatus and noticed the quality of education had changed and was being hampered by an agglomeration of issues. Using his background in research, development, and teaching, he rapidly developed theories and, more importantly, new rationale about the big dilemma of failing schools—their causes and solutions.

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