Just An FYI
Before I leave for the Work Session I will put up threads for several categories for discussion as you may be seeing the maps as we at the meeting see them. I will be staying for the whole meeting to get a read on what staff and the Board have to say (as well as what might be a crowd).
I am going to see if Charlie attends the whole time. He and I may divide the Work Session discussion into sections so he and I aren't stumbling over each other to write about the SAP boundaries.
Please keep in mind as you see the maps:
I am going to see if Charlie attends the whole time. He and I may divide the Work Session discussion into sections so he and I aren't stumbling over each other to write about the SAP boundaries.
Please keep in mind as you see the maps:
- staff did work very hard on these so we need to acknowledge that even as we may disagree
- my opinion is that, barring any dramatic error on staff's part, the Board will not do much tweaking on these maps. I say that because to tweak in one area will invite dissent in other areas. They will have to tread carefully on what they change. What I would say is the boundary maps are wet cement at this point.
- just because "that's where our kids have always gone to school" is not going to work on the Board or Dr. Goodloe-Johnson. Again, just an opinion but it's a new SAP day and things are bound to change.
- the Board will ask questions and raise issues so if you are not attending the meeting, wait for the reports out from this blog as well as the newspapers. It may be that several Board members raise the same concern so don't take the maps as your only guide to what happens.
The suspense is killing me!
So many choices, so little time.
I have only reviewed the maps from a personal point of view so far. We live on east Queen Anne so our reference schools are New Hay, McClure and Ballard. My daughter goes to Coe so the sibling tiebreaker will impact us for my 4 yr old.
Old John Hay is listed as an option school - interesting - wonder why. Any ideas?
And it appears from the very rough lines drawn that from a north/south perspective, all of QA and Magnolia go to Ballard HS and the north line is drawn at N. 85th with West line at the shore/Puget Sound and east line at 99.
My surprise... I was expecting Garfield given where we live on QA but am just happy to have some predictability. I also realize we are lucky to have the reference schools that we do.
Our district - never a dull moment.
Not surprised about Ballard but wait for the fireworks there. I'm surprised they didn't split QA/Magnolia going to two high schools but I guess not.
How will they handle dual program assignments (e.g. Montessori and contemporary at Bagley)? I see this is now an open thread, so if anybody has any insights, please share them in that thread.
Also, will free 1/2 day kindergarten options be available at all schools or will families be forced to "pay for K" at some schools. Currently, some schools offer free kindergarten (1/2 day or full day), and, at others, you must pay around $2,000/ year. Some schools with full-day kindergarten provide a free 1/2 day pull-out option, others do not. At all schools FRL families do not pay the tuition. I don't know if there are additional sliding scales to make things affordable.
Sorry for the ugly URLs, the blog doesn't like HTML tags.
A leak the day of the unveiling is pretty good, considering staff had to know what the lines were since at least a month or two ago.
Going to be some big fireworks about Ballard, but I wonder if the district assumes that most North Beach/Blue Ridge parents send their kids to private high schools anyways, so they felt they could shaft them on this?
Should be interesting to say the least.