Position One School Board Candidates on KUOW Tomorrow Morning

Weekday will feature the Position 1 School Board candidates; incumbent Peter Maier and challengers Sharon Peaslee and John Cummings at 9 a.m.

Position 6 candidates will be at a West Seattle Candidates' Forum at South Seattle CC in the Brockey Center,  6000 16th Avenue SW, in the Delridge area of West Seattle on Thursday, July 29th at 6:30 -
9 p.m.   There will be an ice cream social fundraiser for the West Seattle Food Bank and a three-part format with referenda and Port Commission candidates first, then City and County Council candidates and then School Board candidates. 

Ballots go out in the mail this Wednesday, July 27th.


Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
"First in Math" may be a lower cost alternative that appeals to more students.

Anonymous said…
I listened. It seems that KUOW should be spending a lot more time with these interviews. K-12 education spending is 40+% of state budget. KUOW is performing a public service poorly by failing to adequately examine the School Director candidates.

-- Dan Dempsey

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