Crazy, Busy Day

So how's your day going?  Mine started at the computer at midnight trying to get onto the Target site.  (If you have been keeping up, you'll know what I mean; otherwise, carry on.)

Later on, when there was daylight, I had a great talk with Mary Linquist, President of the WEA, and Becky Pringle, the Sec-Treasurer of the NEA.  The NEA does these across-the-country school tours and this year's tour was part of their new campaign, Priority Schools

This campaign is in support of the work of NEA members in SIG schools across the country.  Ms. Pringle came to Seattle to see West Seattle Elementary and Hawthorne Elementary (Cleveland is another one but not enough time).  She and Ms. Linquist were very impressed with both schools, both with the staffs AND spirit at each school. They both agree that these were two of the best SIG schools they had seen in staff enthusiasm, planning and outcomes.  It was nice to hear and kudos to those two schools. 

There's more to say about this campaign but I'll write that up in a separate thread after I read all the materials.  

In other big news, this from last night, the School Board challengers took all four endorsements in the 37th District's forum/endorsement.  The 37th serves southeast and central Seattle, Renton, and Tukwila. 

Apparently Steve and Harium didn't attend.  I heard the debate was good with the incumbents saying they got a lot done under difficult circumstances (but some of which was of their own doing).   The challengers apparently held their own well.

Congratulations to all the challengers - keep up the good work!

The 46th Dems meeting is at 7:30 p.m. at Olympic View on Thursday night.  Mayor McGinn is their guest and they will make endorsements at this meeting. 


Rita Green said…
Good news! Thansk for the update. We appreciate all that you do for Seattle Public Schools.
Kathy said…
Congratulations to Sharon Peaslee, Michelle Buetow, Kate Marty and Marty McLaren. These challengers are intellegent, insightful and offer solutions.

Michelle Buetow brought up the point that the Strategic Plan doesn't strengthen K-3 reading. Good point.

The challengers are backed by individuals involved in day to day operations within SPS such as teachers and parents.

The incumbents are funded by wealthy individuals east of Seattle; the individuals that do NOT have children in SPS. Something to think about.
Anonymous said…
Congratulations to the Hawthorne administration and staff, and supportive community members who worked very hard to lift their students and the school. Keep up the good work and continue to "Rise Up!"

A Proud Fan
StopTFA said…
Sorry, a little off topic but TFA Seattle is still trying to run a stealth PR campaign. Good thing we can just link to actual public records to make SPS, the UW and PESB look bad...

I see The Ave blog has a post. Pretty lame, actually.

Just google TFA Seattle and check for blogs. Of course, you'll see SSS there too : )
dan dempsey said…
The next School Board meeting on 9-21-11 should be really interesting for the incumbents as they will need to vote on the TfA proposal.

It should be interesting to see how the incumbents up for reelection spin this one.

"Well the Big Money that put me in office wants this, so I vote yes on TfA." -- that likely will not be an explanation ... but it will be a primary driving force for each of the $500,000 four. If anyone does not believe this, they need to spend more time reading the SPS_Leaks on TfA.
Maureen said…
StopTFA (or anyone) So what the heck happened to that Stop the Rain blog? I made one or two (perfectly polite) comments there and have checked back repeatedly, but they never appeared and the blog seems to be dead. As far as I can tell the owner (Jess Hasken) just threw it out there one day and left it to die. Is this some sort of strategy or does she just lack the technical skills to keep it running? I feel bad for that poor cute Emily Ehrlich whose picture is sitting out there in the blogosphere for no reason whatsoever.
StopTFA said…

mirmac1 said…
I have visited the PDC site recently and greatly appreciate the handy search feature. As predicted certain high rollers are ever-present on the incumbents' donor lists....
dan dempsey said…
"I heard the debate was good with the incumbents saying they got a lot done under difficult circumstances

According to the state auditor what the incumbents did NOT get done ... was the job they were elected to do.
CT said…
Maureen - I posted too (politely), but my comments never showed up either. Too much heat?
dan dempsey said…
STOP the RAIN blog has comments from exactly one day. Jess Haskin lists herself as part of the NON-Profit industry..... maybe that explains a lot, given the profusion of non-profits springing up to push what Billionaires desire.

I dunno.
Melissa Westbrook said…
Maureen, I think it's all part of the TFA veneer. They don't like any kind of negative press or challenges to what they do and how they do it. (It's kind of like the Gates Foundation.)

If you recall, the TFA Communications person had advised SPS Communications to NOT proactively reach out to the local tv stations because the tv stations would get reaction from both sides and TFA didn't want that.
dan dempsey said…

I think it's all part of the TFA veneer. --- Well said.

In short oligarchs are not fans of a democratic process and see many features of a republic as a hinderance to their rule.
Jan said…
Melissa said:

They don't like any kind of negative press or challenges to what they do and how they do it. (It's kind of like the Gates Foundation.) If you recall, the TFA Communications person had advised SPS Communications to NOT proactively reach out to the local tv stations because the tv stations would get reaction from both sides and TFA didn't want that.

That is right, Melissa. The ONE, ONE and ONLY real achilles heel to those who want to buy legislators, or government -- is that there is that pesky "voting" thing, and while they have lots of dollars, they only have one vote each. For the dollars to win, it is imperative to NOT allow negative press to alert the voters that its government has basically been bought and is no longer acting in the best interests of those who elected it. Hence all of the misinformation, disinformation, PR, and spin.

We all talk a lot about the importance of math and science education. But sometimes I think that the most critical thing that needs to be done is to teach kids to reason logically, detect when they are being lied to, figure out when an argument is weak, when a candidate evades and "non-answers" a question, when untruths and fabrications are built into the very assumptions (and thus not questioned). It's like what you called out a while back, when someone says -"I don't see how people can support the status quo" -- when, of course, no one --not teachers, not anti-ed reform parents, NO one --is.

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