Tuesday Open Thread
A couple of blog issues to bring up.
I note that there has been some decidedly unpleasant attacks as of late. Again, no name-calling, no criminal allegations (unless you can prove it), etc.
Also, please take the time to read what is written. I'm seeing arguing about words/thoughts that are either not part of the original post or were never said in comments. I suppose you can say what you believe the writer meant but that doesn't make it so. Let's not throw a lot of red herrings into a subject.
What's on your mind?
I note that there has been some decidedly unpleasant attacks as of late. Again, no name-calling, no criminal allegations (unless you can prove it), etc.
Also, please take the time to read what is written. I'm seeing arguing about words/thoughts that are either not part of the original post or were never said in comments. I suppose you can say what you believe the writer meant but that doesn't make it so. Let's not throw a lot of red herrings into a subject.
What's on your mind?
The new MAP policy for 9th grade was handed out at the meeting. Not a single member of the TF asked what the process was for this policy decision. I am not a TF member, so I could not ask this question.
A handout was given that was a complilation of comments from TF members thathad in the past week taken one or more MAP tests. TF members took these tests for purpose of learning more about the MAP test.
The comments show that there are significant problems with this test.
I have heard many anecdotal stories of problems with individual test questions, with scope of questions (especially on the reading test), and on the adaption algorithm.
These are problems that - as far as I know - NWEA has not and will not admit to, and are very hard to document by people outside of NWEA.
This handout is the closest thing we have to citable documentation of the problems with these three aspects of the MAP test.
The TF has only 3 more meetings. One of these will be taken up with a visit by NWEA. Thus there are at best only two and a half more sessions for developing and finalizing recommendations.
The TF has not yet started a process for arriving a set of final recommendations. The only substantive discussion I have heard at the 3 meetings I have been two has been on the question of whether NWEA should or should not be invited to make a presentation. It was decided finally that NWEA would not be allowed to give a presentation to the TF, but would come to answer questions that were submitted to them (in advance) by the Task Force (via Eric A.)
Even in the most recent meeting, questions and comments from the TF members indicate that they still are not clear about what is the appropriate scope of their recommendations.
Joan Sias
Has the district in recent memory acted on recommendations from a task force? I know I have only been paying attention for about six years, but it seems like the task forces have been cover for charges of lack of community engagement. The district can have a task force and "listen" to the results and then do what they would've done anyway.
Am I incorrect?
Assessment Task Force Comments on MAP
New Map Test Policy, huh?!
Please add into your post the links to handouts from this weeks meeting that mirmac is posting.
Does that handout include feedback from multiple people, or just one? (Assessment Task Force Comments on MAP)
The conclusion, for example, appears to feature the opinion of just one person, who seems to favor MAP. Was there any feedback from any MAP skeptics or agnostics to balance it out?
How many people are on the task force and who are they?
I guess I'm not sure how to understand whose views this info represents.
This link provides list of members, and minutes.
At the meeting I didn't catch whether the handout sent is feedback of one person or multiple persons. It seemed that Janet Zombro took multiple tests. She gave quite thoughtful oral feedback the the meeting. This handout quite possibly is all from Janet.
I find in this handout many statements that point to deficiencies of the three types I mentioned.
There were additional oral comments that I took notes on, and which also contributed to my sense that there are significant problems with this test.
Despite these deficiences, is there scope for using the MAP test in a way that minimizes the adverse impacts of these deficiences, and maximizes the appropriate and beneficial uses of the MAP data?
I wonder if the Task Force will make recommendations that speak to these questions.
www.ourvoicewashingtonea.org has an automatic email for everyone in your legislative district, the only catch is it's written as an Educator.
No unchecked principal power
Do you feel the work of the TF is proceeding efficiently?
Has the TF starting any serious discussion of any proposed recommendations yet?
Do you agree with my characterizations so far?
What recommendations would you hope to see come out of this TF?
There's some interesting happenings on that so-called Assessments Task Force. A new threads would be good...
"No unchecked" is one of many wondering when if ever the power and autonomy of prinicpals in this district are going to be checked. Even a little.
agreeing with "no unchecked"
yes. "toady" is a derogatory term for someone with different values than yours.
Don't forget about the Transportation task force whose recommendations were also completely ignored when the standards for 2013-14 were recently rubber-stamped by the Board.
Awful, time-wasting stuff.
Yes it is KG and signing in as anonymous doesn't change it.
Grow up.
absolutely, I just came from the budget workshop where directors are looking at budget solutions like three-tier start times. Staff says "well, we'll have to see if our principals are on board". I'll hand it to Supt Banda who (at a rare moment) spoke up and said the district will needs months to reach out to FAMILIES, right, US to get feedback and buy-in.
Regarding your comment regarding how I checked in as anonymous, it is not me. I have only ever used KG.
I likely have paid more attention to this district than you may have.
Let me explain myself regarding Duggan Harman is a criminal statement that is considered name calling by you and Melissa and probably others.
Duggan Harman a couple of years ago received a 18K salary increase when many district employees were to take furloughs. He then quote said, "I know that it is difficult to be asked to do more with less"
Quite an arrogant statement to all employees in the school district that he made via E-mail.
My comment says it is criminal because you do not take more money from the district coffers when there is none and you do not take it from lower paid employees as he and many other central dministrators did. This is what they have perennialy done, which has to much Central Administration and have hurt school children and employees by doing so. I hope this helps educate you and others regarding this comment. The truth is the truth and with district administration it has been for many years their problem with the truth. Maybe it is uncomfortable
but it is what it is.
I will back your statement. Whenever there is a presentation regarding budget and possible "gap" solutions, I've only ever heard about, OH!, the sacrifices made in central office and how any further cuts must be thought of oh so carefully.
Meanwhile, the great unwashed (staff and families alike) have only two minutes during public testimony to make a case for how it DIRECTLY IMPACTS STUDENTS ON A DAY TO DAY BASIS. Even today I heard gentle admonishments that budget solutions involving central office cuts (like eliminating a second SE principal apologistsImean Executive Director) not come at the cost of "not serving our buildings"...
When nearly $1M is spent on lawsuits, judgements, and HR investigations, I can't say I'm swayed by these arguments... Particularly when families can't get anyone on the phone, anyone to answer an email or return a call.
Thank you for your comment.
I know the public testimony is down to 2-minutes and used to be three. That is sad and also that it is done at 5PM or so so many workers and district employees cannot reach the Stanford Center in time.
True democracy in the school district? Never. school Board members that work for Boeing especially do not want to hear from us as their corporation hurts Seattle School students by not paying taxes along with Microsoft also. Over expenditure on the Central Monster is killing the Building employees in the school who actually do the important work.
Business as usual in Seattle Public Schools.
Regarding your comment, "... families can't get anyone on the phone, anyone to answer an email or return a call." That is an issue for many of us who work with your children. Concerns and questions come up so we turn to sped supervisors for answers. Urgent emails and phone calls are not returned, even when sent to the legal department. As much as I hate to admit it, I am starting to see that the attitude downtown is, "We don't care. We don't have to." Pathetic really. And just so wrong. You, your kids, and those of us who WANT to do right by you deserve better.
SPED Staffer
I happen to agree with you (and mirmac). I'm just also agreeing that calling names hurts your message and soon, readers will simply skip your comments.
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