Seattle Schools This and That

Tweet today from SPS:
Pathfinder & Orca K-8 parents check your School Messenger e-mails for Bus Route & transportation information.

I'm hearing there are long phone waits to contact Transportation; hang in there.

From Seattle JazzED:
Be a hero. Clean out your closet! Do you have old instruments that never get played anymore? Donate them to Seattle JazzED this month. Your old stuff gets a new life and your donation is tax-deductible. Click the link for more info and Kennelly Keys Music drop-off locations in Seattle and Bellevue:
 Loyal Heights kindergarten parents received a letter today from Michael Tolley, Associate Superintendent for Teaching and Learning.  He says:
"On paper we have up to 30 students signed up for each class.  Not all will be in class on the first day but all have a space reserved at this time.  I am working hard to get these numbers in the proper range."  If the numbers stay where they are, he goes onto say he "hopes" to hire a 4th kindergarten teacher "ASAP." 
Below is the letter he says was sent to principals in August, "explaining the process for class size ratio management":

Dear School Leaders,
As you are preparing to welcome staff and students these next two weeks, I want to remind you of Seattle Public Schools’ commitment to meet the K-3 class size targets and support students in each of our classrooms.  Central office leadership will assess the K-3 ratios, Day 8 head count and current staffing allocations across the district before making staffing changes.  Our intent is to minimize disruptions to schools and classrooms, while meeting the K-3 class size ratios.  The K-3 ratios that will allow SPS to receive full funding are as follows:
Non-High Poverty Schools
High-Poverty Schools

·       Friday, Sept 16:  Day 4 headcount for K; Day 8 headcount for grades 1-12 will be reviewed.  Elementary and K8 principals will receive 1-2 documents to submit to central office. 
·       Monday, Sept 19:  Documents sent out on 9/16 are due from elementary and K8 principals.
·       Monday, Sept 26: Communicate all approved staffing adjustments based on head count, classroom configurations and K-3 Ratios, as well as SPED and core staffing adjustments, to principals

·       Waitlists were dissolved on Monday, August 15, 2016.
·       Student enrollment data: Please encourage families to enroll or update their enrollment as early as possible. If you have any questions about enrolling students or admissions, please contact Faauu Manu.
·       Please make efforts to clean up the headcount data by Day 4.
·       Questions:  If you have questions, please contact your EDS or email

Michael F. Tolley
Associate Superintendent for Teaching and Learning

According to the Washington State Charter Commission, there are 1,329 charter school students enrolled this school year. That's not a big jump from the 1200 kids they said they had last year but I believe they were only at 900 at the end of the last school year. However, several schools did open another grade level this year. 


Anonymous said…
To the Loyal Heights K letter...absolutely outrageous. 30 kids in K was bad enough when there were higher allowable limits, but when the target is 22? I cannot believe there is any excuse for not having a 4th K teacher in at the very beginning of the year. Sure, some kids may not show up, but the 8 per class over 3 classes needed to get down to 22 per class? Especially in kindergarten when kids should really have the least disruptive start to school. The way we fund teachers should be by grade and kids, not overall levels. We cannot expect classroom max targets to be the minimum. Kids, especially when looking at neighborhood school assignment plans, simply do not come in such neat little packages.

NE Parent

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