Times' Wrap-Up of Last Night's School Board Candidate Forum

This article by the Times' Emily Heffter appeared in today's Times. I did not attend. Did anyone go and if so, what were your impressions?


Anonymous said…
one of my impressions is that emily kinda phoned it in in both her story and her blog - not one of her better efforts. she didn't do any of the candidates - or the event - justice and really might as well just not have written about it at all. If I hadn't seen her sitting there I might have wondered if she even went.

CR was good, though. He is tough but fair, and often asks the follow-up questions that you would if you had the mike, or if the candidate were sitting in your living room.

The event was well-done all the way around - except - is it possible to attend ONE event in the Stanford Center auditorium where the sound is clear AND the mikes work? Can someone not thoroughly test the mikes and change the batteries - or can the district not spend a couple thousand dollars and fix the works? It's unbelievable - if you're not trying to hear through the static (thankfully not last night), the speakers are passing the mikes around like hot potatos trying to find one that works, then having it cut out multiple times in their speech.

Don't want to give you the highlights because at this point I'm too biased and it wouldn't really be fair to all of the candidates. All did reasonably well in showcasing their strengths (and vulnerabilities.)

Someone said it was televised live last night - so I'm sure it will be on the seattlechannel website soon and you can see for yourself!
Anonymous said…
My bad - I'd only seen the "Closing time" section of Emily's blog and missed the play by play down below it.

Her story was pretty uninformative but my criticism of her blog was undeserved.

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