Interesting Film about Education Worldwide
This from the PI Education blog:
"If you're interested in seeing the film, Two Million Minutes, there's a screening May 12 at Seattle University. The viewing starts at 6 p.m. in the The LeRoux Room, and is open to the public."
It's about the uses of time by American and Indian high school students; there's a trailer at YouTube. I had heard about this film but know very little about it.
I am technically on vacation (in Tucson; it's 85 degrees and sunny - what can I say?) but had the chance to check in, saw this and wanted to make sure (in case you missed at the PI blog but I hope you do check in there) it was on your calendar if you are interested.
"If you're interested in seeing the film, Two Million Minutes, there's a screening May 12 at Seattle University. The viewing starts at 6 p.m. in the The LeRoux Room, and is open to the public."
It's about the uses of time by American and Indian high school students; there's a trailer at YouTube. I had heard about this film but know very little about it.
I am technically on vacation (in Tucson; it's 85 degrees and sunny - what can I say?) but had the chance to check in, saw this and wanted to make sure (in case you missed at the PI blog but I hope you do check in there) it was on your calendar if you are interested.
In the NE Cluster, there has been an overwhelming demand for seats for incoming kindergartners for the 08-09 school year. To meet this demand, the district added additional kindergarten classes at Laurelhurst, View Ridge, Wedgwood and John Rogers. While Bryant was at the top of the district list for first choice applicants, thirty-eight of those in the reference area did not receive an assignment to Bryant. To ease the remaining over capacity load, the district has added an additional kindergarten class to the cluster, to be housed at Bryant. This was not in response to direct demand for Bryant specifically, but in response to the over capacity issues in general.
I invite current Bryant families to a meeting at 7:00 PM Wednesday, April 30 to discuss the implications for our school. The new kindergarten position has been posted and hiring will occur in the next few weeks. I am working with the staff to make facilities decisions that will have the least detrimental impact on our programs. We will work together to welcome these additional families into our fold.
Seattle Public Schools is acutely aware that they need to address long term capacity issues. None of the schools adding kindergartens has the capacity for K-5 expansion.
Please join me on Wednesday and bring your questions and ideas.
Linda Robinson
is well worth watching.
I bought the DVD. If you have not seen this it is 60 minutes in length and definitely worth watching.
More info HERE.
Beth was also there taking notes, so I expect that she'll post something on this blog soon. The forum was well-attended, with many good questions.