Bless You, Matt Damon

Thank you to a reader alerting me to this video.   Matt Damon is at some event and gets a question about teachers and the incentive to work hard.  (He also gets in a good shot to a smarty-pants cameraman.)


peonypower said…
Yeah Matt- you made my day!
Maureen said…
Here's a link to the text of the speech Matt Damon gave at the Save our Schools March in DC.

I got it by following a link from An Urban Teacher's Education Great blog with good coverage of the SOS March with lots of links.
rugles said…
Do teachers in Seattle really work long hours for crappy pay?
Jack Whelan said…
Same motivational criteria ought to be applied to superintendents and other downtown staff. What about finding a dedicated educator whose first priority is to make SPS into a model urban school district, not to get a salary the north side of 250K.
mirmac1 said…
Is it my imagine but is he getting hotter as he gets older?! Must be the shaved head. Or his anti-reform stance. : )
Anonymous said…
Ironic that MSNBC (Ed Schultz & Lawrence O'Donnell) is heralding Damon's comments as Right-Wing comeuppance, while meanwhile they have, to this point, been completely in bed and in the tank with the Ed Reformers, Waiting for Superman fans, Gates, Rhee, and the usual suspects. I guess 24 hour television makes for strange bedfellows too!

By the way, if anyone watched any of the videos from the Save Our Schools march, a couple of reporters mentioned this blog, although not by name, as they couldn't recall the "organized group" in Seattle.

Check it out here.

Anonymous said…
OMG!! Lawrence O'Donnell just skewered Ed Reform, perhaps unintentionally, on The Last Word, tonight (8/2/11), while heralding Matt Damon and calling out the "blame the teacher" nonsense.

Unbelievable! Will he have a job tomorrow? Gates owns a healthy chunk of MSNBC, and OMG, O'Donnell has gone ROGUE! Watch for revisions and retractions in the coming days, as MSNBC tries to unwind this ball of string!

Anonymous said…
Wow, Wow and WOW AGAIN!

Teachers, you've got to give Lawrence O'Donnell a prize for what he just did for you all. He's doing it primarily to hit right wingers, but let's be honest: When it comes to ED REFORM, Gates/Walton/Broad, et al, are purely RIGHT WING in their tactics and beliefs.

A good day for teachers, when L O'D calls the attacks "maliscious." WSEADAWG
Anonymous said…
See Damon's piece and an MSNBC report about it here. WSEADAWG
Anonymous said…
O'Donnell's report from The Last Word is here.

Finally, somebody speaks out and calls bullshit on all the hate aimed at teachers. WSEADAWG
Sahila said…
WSEADAWG - I think they were referring to the Seattle Ed 2010 blog, the people who started it and who work with other activists, some of whom also are part of Parents Across America Seattle....
Sahila said…
and the SOS March was a joint event, with people from Parents Across America involved in the planning, execution, speaking at the rally, marching etc...

The emphasis seems to have become that this was a teacher action.... it wasnt teachers only - a huge number of the people involved are parents/community members...

GreyWatch said…
I felt like I was the only person in the world who didn't love Good Will Hunting, but I absolutely LOVE Matt Damon in this clip!

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