No Child Left Behind - What Should It Be Called Now?

I do want to write up a thread on No Child Left Behind.  The poor program is now in a bit of a netherworld limbo as Congress decides what the heck to do with it (they haven't reauthorized it since 2007).  

In the meantime, Arne Duncan is preparing to allow states waivers from AYP (annual yearly progress) as many states would have whole districts that are completely failing under it. 

According to Duncan, the law has encouraged states to lower their standards. For example, he said, congressional inaction allowed a state like Tennessee to delude itself into deeming 91 percent of its students as proficient in math. By applying higher standards, Duncan said, the state "raised the bar," and coped with the reality that only 34 percent of students were actually proficient by "college ready" standards. "In the meantime, states and districts will still have the opportunity to move forward," Duncan said.

In the meantime, I'm having a contest.  What would you rename No Child Left Behind?  It's obviously going to be retired as a name because its lack of success (unless you feel increased testing above everything else was the most important education reform we needed). 

There IS a prize but it will remain secret and announced later.  I do think it will be something whoever wins it will feel pleased to have (it's an honor rather than an item.   You can have multiple names considered.  The winner will be decided by Charlie and me.

Also, tell us what you think the Obama administration will end up renaming it. 


mirmac1 said…
How about Duncan's Airball?
Anonymous said…
Framework for Achievement Improvements in Learning

-feeling snarky today
Steveroo said…
Comprehensive Heuristics Addressing Lifetime Knowledge-Broadening Overall Academic Readiness Development
hormonesurfer said…
George Bush's Right Behind; it's his idea of turning the other cheek.
Steveroo said…
Basic Integrated Global Teamwork Educational Success Transition System
Steveroo said…
Advanced Comparative Review Of Normative Yearly Measurements
Steveroo said…
Porkbarrel Allocation Scoring System
Anonymous said…
No Child Left Untested.

Charlie Mas said…
Unrealistic Unenforced Unfair and Unfunded

People should have just called it the Elementary and Secondary Education Act.
Anonymous said…
Duncan's latest proposal - to offer conditional waivers - seems like another way to strong arm states into adopting Common Core Standards and other ed reforms (if they haven't already).

Ross Reynolds talked with Randy Dorn on The Conversation yesterday.

Randy Dorn claims we are in the top 10-15% in terms of standards (math and reading, specifically), but didn't Washington just adopt the Common Core Standards (in hopes of getting RttT money), when we had just implemented new math standards?
Anonymous said…
I'm Not Skilled Enough In Throat Cutting and Back Stabbing To Be A Success Taking The Health And Care Out of Health Care, Or To Win In The Arms Merchant Racket, Or To Casino-ize Society's Retirement Investments - So I'll Be A Bill Gates Lackey.

Steveroo said…
School Competitiveness Achievement Metrics

Vendor Opportunity Optimization Defining Organizational Oversight
Steveroo said…
Federal Unified Rubrics-Based Academic Learning Levels
That Passionate Teacher said…
The "In Order to Save Public Education We Must Destroy It" Act.
Steveroo said…
No Child Left Behind is such a no-based negative way of describing it. I believe the feds should adopt a more positive and forward looking name for it, such as

Every Child Dragged Along
Steveroo said…
Or the

Charter Helper Opportunities Program
Anonymous said…
Love the anagram that this one from Steveroo makes:
Vendor Opportunity Optimization Defining Organizational Oversight

Steveroo must be good at crossword puzzles; I love how all his entries have funny acryonms.
Eric B said…
I like the tongue in cheek ones, but heading for unfortunate reality:

Investing in 21st Century Education Act

See, it's got "investing" to cover the "it's all about the money" crowd, "21st century" to make it sound forward thinking, and "education" to make sure no Democrats vote against it. No acronym, unfortunately.
Anonymous said…
WSteven Krashen says we are at the beginning of the largest increase in testing imaginable ... or for many of us => unimaginable.

Apparently children needed to continually assessed with expensive products otherwise the teachers will not know what to teach each child. {Preposterous ideas from Arne. D.}

No Vendor Left Behind

-Randy Dorn's adoption of Common Core Standards is a pointless unfunded mandate. WA disticts will Pay $165 million over the next 5-years most of which will go for testing and training about Testing , not resources for Teaching.

Dan Dempsey
dan dempsey said…
Pie in the Sky education act

Fairy-Tales R Us

-- Dan Dempsey
dan dempsey said…
Race to the Bank
Jack Whelan said…
Dialing for Duncan Dollars
none1111 said…
"No Child Left Behind"

really means:

"No Child Can Move Ahead"

pity the advanced learning students that suffer along with other programs in the name of equality rather than equity.
Kathy said…
I'll go with:

No Vendor Left Behind
mirmac1 said…
Hoo Boy, Melissa you got Lynne Varner in on the act!

No Cliche Left Unsaid
Anonymous said…
Somebody's Gotta Be Last
(let's just hope it's the same old same old)

Anonymous said…
There's this from my kids who feel that they are treated like widgets instead of learners.

What Idiot Designed General Education Testing (WIDGET)

-middle school parent
Catherine said…
The air ball education act

No... That's not missing an "h" though... Pondering....That version could work too...
jcapatelli said…
How about this?

"No Private, For-Profit Testing Company Left Behind"

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