Be On the Lookout for this Creep

From Publicola: the Seattle Police Department says this man is suspected of flashing children five different times, in North Seattle, Capital Hill and West Seattle.

See him?  Call the SPD sexual assault unit at 206-684-5575.


Jet City mom said…
Is there anymore to the description?
Anonymous said…
The TV news report included a car description...a tan or gold sedan, but that's about it.

hschinske said…
More details at

Helen Schinske
KG said…
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Anonymous said…
From the article: "The suspect was seen driving away in light tan or gold colored 4-door sedan. The first letter of the license plate may be “A”."

Keep a careful eye out when you bring your kids to soccer practice or to playgrounds; he's been seen in those locations several times.

Hope they find him soon

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