Seattle Schools Meetings, Oct. 17-22nd

Monday, Oct. 17
Seattle Council PTSA meeting with Dr. Enfield and Director DeBell at headquarters where the discussion will be about school governance.   Socializing and light snacks at 6:30 p.m. with the meeting starting at 7 p.m.  (While I realize that this is not a SPS event, it would have been nice to put it on the district calendar since district leadership will be there as featured speakers.)

Tuesday, Oct. 18
The next School Board candidate forum, this one in West Seattle put on by a coalition of West Seattle schools at Madison Middle School from 6:30-9 p.m.  The update here is that the moderator will be the always sharp (and ever lovely) reporter Phyllis Fletcher from KUOW.   There will be a meet-and-greet at 6:30 p.m. followed by a quick pro/con on the Families and Education levy and then the forum. Madison Middle School is at 3429 45th Avenue SW.    From the West Seattle blog:

Question #1 is scheduled to be: “Given the sacrifice of time, energy, and money, what compels you to run for the school board?” Then, candidates will answer written questions from the audience, moderated by Phyllis Fletcher.

Community Conversations with ELL and Special Education Directors from 6-7:30 p.m. at the Filipino Community Center, 5740 Martin Luther King, Jr. Way South.   This will be an informal discussion with Veronica Gallardo, Director of ELL and Int'l Programs, and Becky Clifford, Interim Ex. Director for Special Education.

First Annual PE Community Forum Showcase from 6-8 p.m. at headquarters.  This is open for students, parents, staff and community to show what is happening in PE classes in SPS.  This is a self-guided evening that you can drop-in on. 

Wednesday, Oct. 19
Board Work Session on Common Core Standards from 4-5:30 p.m.  Here is the presentation but I haven't read through it yet. 
School Board meeting starting at 6 p.m.  The agenda is fairly sparse but the fact that so many Board policies are being voted on without a lot of discussion/input from the community is troubling.  This whole issue may come back to haunt many people.

Thursday, Oct. 20th
Operations Committee Meeting, 4-5:30 p.m.  Agenda here.
I note that there is a BTA III contract for Fairmount Park even though it is currently a closed building.  I would have to go back and check if this is new or was scheduled under BTA III.  There is also to be an update on the Intermediate Capacity Management plan.  Pegi McEvoy is scheduled to give a FACMAC update but I don't know that one.  Anyone?  There is also an interesting item:A reminder to the school board to provide feedback on planning philosophies. 

Saturday, Oct. 22nd
Community Meeting with Director Martin-Morris at 9:30 am at Diva Espresso at 80th and Lake City Way.
Community Meeting with Director Maier at 10:30 am at Lake City library, 12501 28th Avenue NE


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