Seattle Schools Calendar for the Week of October 10-15, 2011

Monday, October 10th

CPPS' "Parent Friendly" School Board Candidate forum at Washington Middle School, 2101 South Jackson St. from 7-8:30 p.m.

The district  is having an Early Enrollment evening with the help of the Asian Counseling /Referral Service from 5:30 pm- 7:00 pm.    Here's a blurb from ACRS's website about them:

Asian Counseling and Referral Service (ACRS) is a nationally recognized nonprofit organization offering a broad array of human services and behavioral health programs to Asian Pacific Americans in King County. ACRS is the largest multiservice organization serving all the different Asian Pacific American communities - immigrants, refugees and American born - in the Pacific Northwest.

Tuesday, October 11th
Audit and Finance Committee Meeting (Audit) from 4-6 p.m.  The agenda reflects the following:
  • audit response
  • performance audit (capital) follow-up
  • Special Investigation (Pottergate)
  • 09-10 Audits (I have no idea what this is about.)
  • Internal Auditor report of work plan
  • Risk Management Vision (I look forward to hearing about this)

Final Intermediate Term Capacity Management Meeting,  Hamilton, 1610 N  41st from
6:30-8:00 pm

North Seattle School Board Candidate Forum at Olympic View Elementary, 504 NE 95th St. from 6:30-8:30 p.m.  This one will feature a debate between me and Paul Guppy of the Washington Policy Center about the Families and Education levy with the candidate forum starting at 7 p.m.   Free childcare available.

Wednesday, October 12th
Executive Committee Meeting from 8-10 am.  The agenda reflects the following:
  • physical education grant
  • Legislative agenda
  • community engagement
  • a section called "executive committee discussion" with a myriad of topics like increasing revenue for ASB funds, letter to State Board of Education about graduation requirements, Board retreat follow-up, communications/community partnerships
Curriculum&Instruction Policy Committee Meeting of the whole, 4-5:30 pm.  No agenda available yet. 

Thursday, October 13th
Audit&Finance Committee Meeting (Finance), 4-6 p.m.  The agenda reflects the following:
  • Update on year end financial reports
  • 2011-2012 Enrollment and Staffing update (including WSS/core staffing)
  • 2012-2013 Budget
  • Community schools expenditures reporting (including the JSCDD bond debt)

Friday, October 14th
BEX Oversight Committee, touring schools in Edmonds from 8-10 am and then the Committee will meet at Lynnwood High School, 18218 North Road, Bothell from 10-noon.

Saturday, October 15th
Community Meeting - Director DeBell from 9-11 am at Caffe Appasionato, 4001 21st Ave W.

Family & Community Symposium,  to help your student succeed with workshops for families and community partners at Garfield High School from 9:00 am-2:30 p.m.   Light breakfast and lunch will be provided as well as interpretation services and transportation.  Contact Bernardo Ruiz, Manager for Famliy&Community Engagement,, (206) 252-0693.


Anonymous said…
This list doesn't mention the No School day on the 14th.

-D's mom
Melissa Westbrook said…
I assumed as parents you already knew that one. This is just events.
Anonymous said…
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SeattleSped said…
Looking futher ahead:

Seattle Special Education PTSA

"Student-Centered Collaboration:
Strategies for Effective IEP Teams"

Saturday, October 29, 2011
8:30 am to 2:30 pm
John Stanford Center for Educational Excellence

This conference is sponsored by the Seattle Special Ed PTSA in collaboration with Seattle Public Schools and the Seattle Council PTSA.

The conference will provide practical strategies to help parents and educators communicate effectively and craft appropriate interventions to address the individual needs of their students with disabilities.

Cecile Lindquist, a pioneer in the disabilities rights movement, will open the conference and remind us why we all must focus our efforts on the needs of our students. A panel discussion of "IEP Team Member Perspectives and Roles" will follow, moderated by Pat Steinburg, President of the Washington State Special Education Coalition.

Following the panel discussion, we are excited to be offering four workshops on practical strategies led by local experts.

IEPs and Special Education Advocacy
Stacy Gillett (Ombudsman with the Governor's Office of the Education Ombudsman) & Christy Thompson Ibrahim (Attorney at Law with The Law Offices of Larry A. Jones)
Engaging Families in a Collaborative IEP Process
Stacey McGrath-Smith (Seattle Public Schools Special Education Supervisor)
Love, Understanding, and Other Best Practices -- The New School of Thought on IEP and 504 Plans: "How to Avoid Due Process"
Larry Martin Davis (Education Advocate)
Mediation for Families
Greg Abell (Mediator with Sound Options Group)

Parents and educators -- in both general education and special education -- are invited to join us for this conference. Clock hours and Continuing Education credits are available. Interpretation services for the hearing-impaired and non-English speakers are available upon request. For more information, please contact us at Requests for interpretation services must be received by October 22, 2011.

This conference is free of charge, but we will need a head count. Please RSVP by October 22 to

*Morning coffee service and registration/sign-in will begin at 8:30 am. The conference will start promptly at 9 am and run until 2:30 pm with a light lunch and refreshments served. It will be held in the John Stanford Center Auditorium at 2445 3rd Ave South; Seattle, WA 98134. Donations to cover food costs are welcome; suggested donation $5.

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