Farewell to the Viaduct

Did you know?  This is the last week for the concrete pile we call the Viaduct.  (I will miss it for the view and it's my favorite way to get down to district headquarters.)

Turns out the city is having a commemorative walk on the Viaduct next Saturday from 9:30 am to 12:30 p.m. at 1051 First Avenue South.  Children under 18 have to be with an adult. 

It should be fun (or at least memorable).  But first, let me tell you a story.

In 1987, the Golden Gate bridge celebrated its 50th anniversary and the city shut the bridge down to cars for the day.  My husband and I and some friends planned to join the celebration.  But it was pretty funny because for some odd reason, the city of San Francisco didn't expect that many people.   They thought they would get, maybe, 100,000 - it was more like half a million and they had 25 port-a-potties at each end. 

It was so crowded that you couldn't get all the way across (too many people coming from Marin county on the other side meeting in the middle with too many people from SF).  Hilarious.  I was also pregnant with my first child at the time but did take the moment to do a cartwheel in the middle of the bridge.

I plan on doing it again on the Viaduct (the cartwheel, not the pregnancy). 

Something the kids might remember.  


Jet City mom said…
That's a great story Melissa.
I am quite envious of anyone who can do a cartwheel & when you were pregnant? Amazing!

We bought our current house ( where we have lived for 28yrs) because of the viaduct- my husband worked @ Boeing and it was 10 miles & about 30 min ( during his early shift) for him to get to work)

Nice views thats for sure.
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