National Walk-to-School Day Tomorrow

In advance of National Walk-to-School day, SPS put out this news:

Thirteen elementary schools will celebrate International Walk-to-School Month in October, more than twice as many as last year, with activities ranging from scavenger hunts and “walking school buses” to a visit from Mayor Mike McGinn. Feet First, a local non-profit organization that develops Safe Routes to Schools programs, will provide assistance at several of the events.
Schools participating include Daniel Bagley, Lafayette, Laurelhurst, West Woodland, and Green Lake, West Seattle, View Ridge, Van Asselt, Sacajawea, Leschi, Graham Hill, Concord and Coe.
It would be great - since we went to neighborhood schools under the NSAP - if there were more schools involved.  I walked to school until my sophomore year in high school.  Both ways and uphill (but being Arizona, no snow). 
Also, in late breaking news, Alki Elementary principal, Clover Codd, has been named TIF Director and another principal appointed for the year.  Apparently, the Alki BLT had no inkling this was coming and some feel disappointed to have built a relationship with Principal Codd and now have to start over with no notice.


seattle citizen said…
"I walked to school until my sophomore year in high school. Both ways and uphill."

...and you walked there with M.C. Escher?

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