More SPS Events

They keep coming.

Saturday, October 15th
Nathan Hale High School's all-community celebration and open house for their new building from 10 am to 1 p.m., 10750 30th Avenue NE.   There will be tours of the building available.  

Saturday, October 29th
Seattle Special Education PTSA presents "Student-Centered Collaboration: Strategies for Effective IEP Teams" from 8:30 am to 2:30 p.m. at district headquarters.  This is also sponsored by SPS and the Seattle Council PTSA. 

The conference will provide practical strategies to help parents and educators communicate effectively and craft appropriate interventions to address the individual needs of their students disabilities.  There will be a speaker, a panel discussion and four workshops. 

For more information, please contact us at   Requests for interpretation services must be received by October 22, 2011.  

This conference is free of charge, but we will need a head count. Please RSVP by October 22 to


mirmac1 said…
Mark your calendar. Seattle Council PTSA and Madison MS PTSA will be co-sponsoring a School Board candidates forum at Madison on October 18 at 6pm. Great opportunity for WS families to meet the candidates and ask questions. More (correct) info will be coming.
Anonymous said…
To clarify and add the time:

Tuesday, October 18th: 6:30pm-9:00pm

Candidate Forum at Madison Middle School

Alki and Madison PTA/PTSAs are hosting a School Board Candidate Forum at Madison Middle School. All 8 candidates for the 4 district positions will be our guests for a moderated Q&A session. There will also be representatives for and against the Seattle Families & Education Levy presenting information about the upcoming vote. Attend this event and VOTE SMART!

mirmac1 said…
Thank you! I knew I was messing something(s) up!

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