Please let us know if you attend the rally before the meeting. Seeing photos from Twitter; looks like a good crowd at the rally. The West Seattle Blog is there reporting. I am going to attempt to live blog so you will see abbreviations, spelling/grammar errors, etc. I will clean it up but I think it is worth trying to do. I will be refreshing the page as I go. I am sad to see that apparently President Liza Rankin is not even going to allow 10 people over the regular 20 to testify. Just five. Also, right at the beginning, the Board has stuck in, after Board comments, a Progress Monitoring presentation. They could have put it at the end but they didn't. They think - in 45 minutes - they can do Superintendent comments, Board comments and this presentation. I doubt that public testimony will start on-time. Tone-deaf doesn't even cover it with Board leadership. To note, apparently the district scheduled the NE community meeting on closures on Rosh Hashanah which is October 2. I
Concerned Parent
Does anyone know the rationale of why the school still needs a third administrator to help the administrators do their job vs. spending the additional funding on to support student learning/academics like other schools?
NOTE: The principal just submitted the 2012-2013 budget to include the third administrator for the third year in a row. Staff were not given an option to vote on that did NOT include the third administrator.
No other K-8 school with 625 students appear to have a third administrator.
-thinking $$$ should help students/teachers NOT administrators
the reason for the third administrator at Broadview-Thomson is because the principal can't handle the job as other principals are required to do.....the funds being spent on a third administrator should be spent on direct support for student learning as the school is a failing school according to NCLB...
then why is no one holding the principal accountable?
-thinking $$$ should help students/teachers NOT administrators