Election Results That Impact Children and Education

Looks like the levy for the new Children and Family Services Center has passed as did the levy for our public libraries.  

Jay Inslee (no on charters) is outpolling Rob McKenna (yes on charters).

Looks like a couple of Stand's candidates got beaten back including Guy Palumbo, Stephanie Bowman and Tony Moore.   Also, their favored candidate in the 46th Rep race, Sylvester Cann, polled far behind Gerry Pollet.

Randy Dorn received over 50% of the primary vote and so will advance, unchallenged, into the general election for Superintendent of Public Instruction.

As of 4:30 pm today, there was a 23.7% voter turnout with King County on that low 23% side and Adams, Columbia, Jefferson, Pacific, Pend Oreille, and Wahkiakum counties all registering over 40%+ in voting. 

Making for interesting forecasting. 


dan dempsey said…
Randy Dorn received over 50% of the primary vote and so will advance, unchallenged, into the general election for Superintendent of Public Instruction.

Is this correct?

I thought that when a candidate for a non-partisan position receives over 50% in the primary that they are elected and there is no general election.

Can someone comment as to whether Dorn is elected or will he be on the November ballot?
Unknown said…
Dan you are correct. Randy Dorn is elected and will not be on the November ballot. I'm pretty sure that's what they said on the news last night.

Dorn will be on the ballot in November; he is not elected. They do this because if offers the opportunity to allow voters to write-in a candidates. This is what I heard on KUOW today. From the Secretary of State's website:

"It’s important to note that judicial races (including three State Supreme Court contests) and the election for Superintendent of Public Instruction are not affected by the rules of the Top 2 Primary, so if a candidate in any of those races receives at least 50 percent of the vote in the Primary, he or she will be the only candidate to appear on the General Election ballot for that race." Read more at http://blogs.sos.wa.gov/FromOurCorner/index.php/2012/08/dont-forget-to-vote-in-primary/
dan dempsey said…
Thanks for the clarification. Now we need someone to publically run for SPI as a write-in candidate. This would perhaps enlighten a few folks on certain issues.
Anonymous said…
Strike out for Stand and LEV and their editorial backers at the Times.

Couldn't be more pleased. And a reminder that those who think they have all the answers...don't.

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