Capacity Management meeting for NE

Northeast Region Meeting
Monday, December 17th 6:30-8pm
Olympic Hills Elementary School
13018 - 20th Avenue NE, Seattle WA 98125.

Seattle Public Schools Assistant Superintendent Pegi McEvoy, and School Board Director Sharon Peaslee, will be attending an informal meeting to provide information and answer questions for the Northeast Region of school communities about capacity management, and the BEX IV plans for new schools in the region. School and neighborhood community members are invited.


kgroth said…
Per email from Director Sharon Peaslee to me today about this meeting:

"Community Meeting for Northeast Seattle schools at Olympic Hills.
A community meeting to discuss Seattle Schools’ growing enrollment and capacity management will be held at Olympic Hills. This is a great opportunity for families to hear the latest news, as well as ask questions of Seattle Public Schools leadership. The meeting will be an informal conversation with District leadership about capacity issues for the 2013-14 school year.
Date & Time: Dec 17th at 6:30-8 pm. Location: Olympic Hills Auditorium."
Anonymous said…
Melissa is there any way to get this community meeting to be really about the District LISTENING to the community, as opposed to ‘talking at’ the community, which seems to be their standard fare?

Please, oh please, contact the District now, pester them, and tell them (1) to simply publish their ‘dog and pony show’ slides on their website (which are likely just going to be a rehash of last night’s slides, only perhaps without the non-northern information) and (2) publicize that website presentation in advance of the meeting, so that at the meeting, the District can LISTEN to the community and actually engage with us. And, bring handouts of the slide that have been translated into the relevant languages for the community.

Having the District stand there and read their slides, the same slides they tote along to most presentations (which are bereft of actual data – such as a list of schools and how many portables could be installed additionally per site) and then burn through time with their favorite phrases, “we are having conversations about that”, “that can’t be done until BEX”, and my favorite, “…and we are hearing you”, it so… insulting, frustrating, pointless,… pick your favorite adjective. Not that I think they will listen to you, but, you never know. You carry a good sized stick. And, this is a pretty simple request: let’s use our limited time together wisely.

-hoping for a unicorn
Unknown said…
Nice blog and the post seems a great source of information about Capacity Management
. I read the post and it helped me a lot. So thanks for sharing this post.

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