Let's see;

- dark and dreary, check
- one week since one of the most horrific days in American public education, check
- NOT the end of the world day (but some still don't get that)

Time for the holiday break.  Great.  Let's ALL take a break, a breath and count our blessings.


Mike said…
Meanwhile the NRA recommends armed guards in each school as a deterrent.

Someone said…
Yeah Mike - that one baffles the mind - oh sure the way to stop violence is putting MORE guns in a school setting....

I'm sorry - I have never truly understood the whole gun culture thing - but surely they could have come up with a slightly more enlightened idea...sighhh..
kgroth said…
Have you heard anything from the Board Work Session on Dec. 20th - Operations Committee Meeting? I was wondering if there was discussion on changing the enrollment policy so that students transferring from an option school can be guaranteed at their attendance school.
Anonymous said…
Thank YOU for you time, effort, energy and your dedication to report everything from the District. I feel without you I wouldn't know what is going on.
I would like to wish you and your family Happy Holidays and a real REST for you for the break and a better New Year for all of us in the SPS!

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