WA State Supreme Court Ruling to Leg - Get Busy

From the Times:

The Washington Supreme Court ruled on Thursday that the state Legislature isn't making enough progress toward finding more money for K-12 education in answer to the court's decision in the McCleary school funding lawsuit.

The high court told lawmakers they must have something better to report after they finish their work in spring 2013.

"Steady progress requires forward movement. Slowing the pace of funding cuts is necessary, but it does not equate to forward progress," wrote Chief Justice Barbara Madsen in the order filed Thursday.

So there.


Anonymous said…
Fact is that at the time of the Supremes original ruling .... the State had made Zero progress during the previous two years. ... The conclusion might have been that ZERO progress was adequate. ..... So NOW we get to see if this is just more barking with no enforcement bite or not.

-- Dan Dempsey

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