Press Conference at Noon Today for New Public School Group

A new group has formed for the protection of Washington State public schools.  It is - not surprisingly - called "Protect Our Public Schools." 

They are having a formal announcement/press conference today at noon at the Seattle Center Armory, Room 311 (formerly the Center House at Seattle Center).   They are encouraging all who can to attend.  (Room 311 is balcony level on the west side of the building across from the glass elevator.)

Protect Our Public Schools is affiliated with Parents Across America. 

I'll put up their website as soon as I have the link available.


Concerned Parent in favor of Charter Schools said…
This is the same group that fought Referendum 55 for charter schools back in 2004. It's simply a front for Unions selfishly trying to protect their power, not improve education...
Melissa Westbrook said…
No, it's not and I don't know how you know to say that. How do you? It's not the People for Public Schools which was started by the WEA. This group has no association with the WEA.
Melissa Westbrook said…
Well, I didn't look at your link so I see the issue. It appears that they chose a name already taken because I know this group has nothing to do with WEA.
CT said…
CP - you're right - we should follow the money.
Yes for 1240 was simply a front for rich people and their sycophants (Liv Finne, Shannon Campion, Sara Morris, et al) to increase their power, not improve education....
Dora Taylor said…
I have been part of the process for the selection of the name. We had about of four or five names and that one was the most popular.

Neither I nor anyone else who was part of this effort was aware of the fact that there was another group that had used that name several years ago.

No, we are not part of the evil union as some of you like to portray people who work hard to protect their rights to work a 5 day work week, are paid fairly for what they do and can take off of work when they or a family member are sick and not live in fear of losing their jobs. No we're not receiving money from any union or anyone else for that matter.

We are truly a grassroots organization with members who understand that we already have proven programs in place and need to focus on what is successful in education and not allow others to come in and make a buck off of our children in the shadows of little to no oversight by the public.

That said, we have decided to change the name of the organization so that there is no confusion in terms of who we are.

Thanks for the heads up.

Dora Taylor
Dora Taylor said…
Oh yeah, and if you would like to join our effort or have any questions about the organization, please send an e-mail to


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