Education Updates

 Anybody get a call from the Gates Foundation survey folks?  My household did.

According to my son, they asked some general questions and then got very specific.  What did he think of the efforts of the Gates Foundation in public education?  What did he think about the Gates Foundation's efforts around Common Core?

They really need a poll to figure out what they are doing wrong? 

I am assuming the Gates Foundation is doing the poll because 1) they fund everything and 2) who else would fund a poll on them?

From SPS Legal about Title IX (bold mine):

At this point the staff commitment is to create the very best Title IX program we can, complete with notices, training, and effective responses to incidents. This requires a clear chain of responsibility. Our first step was to create a Title IX web page, designating the key individuals. We are updating it frequently. We've recently provided sexual harassment prevention and response training to every school administrator in the district, and will conduct a second session in November.

We anticipate Superintendent approval of the new Procedure (with seven attachments) in the next week, or two at the most. Charles Wright is heading up the task force and we anticipate an announcement any day. I expect the task force will review all of the work we've done so far and make its own recommendations.

A list of all the related staff activities will be available next week in the Friday update.

Advanced Learning/Highly Capable
Director Peters said at the Board meeting that there would be further time to submit input on the draft updates of the Highly Capable Services and Advanced Learning Programs policies and procedures.

The documents, which have not been significantly updated since 1993, reflect revised Washington Administrative Code requirements about serving students identified as Highly Capable. The state now requires that a continuum of services be provided K-12, and that every school offer a plan for serving Highly Capable students. The drafts also reflect the program and service name changes that were announced in August.
The draft policy and procedures are available through the link in the right hand column on They will be introduced to the full school board at the Nov. 5 board meeting, and a vote is expected at the December 3 meeting. The documents will be discussed at the Curriculum & Instruction Policy Committee meeting Monday, October 13. Any public comments submitted by the afternoon of October 13 will inform that discussion. Community members who would like to submit a comment should email it to and be sure to include POLICY – in all caps – in the subject line.


Jet City mom said…
I sincerely hope that a major part of the district training includes protocol to be followed for mandated reporters, regarding incidents of suspected abuse and spells out just who is a mandated reporter.
Incidentally a mandated reporter doesn't keep it in house, but reports to the state Toll free hotline, a law enforcement agency or child protective services.
Anonymous said…
From the District News:
Advanced Learning public comment deadline Oct. 22
The public is invited to comment on draft updates to Highly Capable Services and Advanced Learning Programs policies and procedures until Wednesday, Oct. 22. The drafts are Policy No. 2190 and Superintendent Procedure 2190SP.

The documents, which have not been significantly updated since 1993, reflect revised Washington Administrative Code requirements about serving students identified as Highly Capable. The state now requires that a continuum of services be provided K-12, and that every school offer a plan for serving Highly Capable students. The drafts also reflect the program and service name changes that were announced in August.

The draft policy and procedures are available through the link in the right hand column on The Oct. 22 public comment deadline will provide time for the Advanced Learning Office to edit the documents if necessary before they are introduced to the full school board at the Nov. 5 board meeting. A vote is expected at the December 3 meeting. Community members who would like to submit a comment should email it to and be sure to include POLICY – in all caps – in the subject line.


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