Puget Sound Region High School Crime Updates

I am sorry to report that a third victim of the Marysville high school shooting has died.  She was 14-year old Shaylee Chuckulnaskit.  She died yesterday at the hospital.  One male victim, Andrew Fryberg, is still in critical condition.  The other male victim, Nate Hatch, is in satisfactory condition although he had to have surgery on his jaw with more operations to come. 

In Center School news about their issue with a student bringing a Molotov cocktail to school, the story from the Times is disturbing.  New info:

- the boy arrested was charged with both possession of an incendiary device AND felony harassment (this after students claimed he threatened to shoot a couple of classmates with an assault rifle).  He has entered a plea of not guilty.

- the issue around the suspended principal seems to center on what she did before the incident occurred when this student's behavior was reported

- the boy appears to have had social interaction issues and set off a fire alarm on Oct. 23rd and made the earlier threats to classmates

- he showed a couple of students the firebomb and several went to the principal. She came down and the boy saw her and hid the bottle.  One student the boy had threatened found the bottle and a lighter and brought them to the principal.

- the boy's stepfather had searched him that morning, "because of prior issues" but the boy secreted the bottle in his jacket when the stepfather used the bathroom. 

From the Times:
The boy apparently thought the other students "would think he was cool for knowing how to make a Molotov but instead he got snitched on." the charges say.

No, they didn't "snitch."  Those students told the truth and probably saved lives.  Our kids need to know that telling the truth and reporting issues is NOT snitching. 

If it turns out to be true - that multiple students told the principal that the boy had been threatening them over a period of time - and the principal did not report it to either the district or police, that is very troubling.  That the stepfather seemed to know something was up with his teen is worrisome as well. 

On the school side, there are protocols.  On the family side, probably a lot of anxiety (and I hope that family did not have guns in their home if they knew these issues existed). 


dan dempsey said…
Apparently the Principal believed her job was to make the school "look good" in the stats. Thus not reporting "Bad Stuff" makes the school "Look Good".

This type of administrative behavior falls right in with changing answers on high-stakes tests. The goal apparently is "Good Publicity" .... the truth is not important.
Charlie Mas said…
When the District addresses student safety concerns as PR problems you can't be surprised when principals also do that.
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