Input Sought on Permanent Superintendent

As promised, the Board is having a series of meetings around the qualities for the selection of a permanent superintendent.

To be absolutely clear, these meetings are NOT to decide if there will be a search.  (I'm certain you can bring that up  at the meetings and express that desire if that is how you feel).  These meetings are just to talk about traits/qualities/values that our community is seeking.  It does seem curious to have these meetings and not be asking the public if they think there should be a search or not. 

There will also be a survey in mid-November.

The Board can either choose to confirm Dr. Enfield as the permanent superintendent or launch a search (and Dr. Enfield can throw her hat in the ring if she so chooses).   The Board is to decide on a search by the first of the new year.

From Lauren McGuire, SCPTSA President, and Michael DeBell, Vice-President, Seattle School Board

The School Board will decide this winter whether to conduct a national search for a Superintendent or whether to appoint Interim Superintendent Dr. Susan Enfield.

Before the School Board decides, they will seek input on the traits that members of the public would like to see in a Superintendent. The School Board has partnered with the Seattle Council PTSA to help gather this information from Seattle Public School families. As a part of this we are hosting three community meetings in November where families can share their thoughts with members of the School Board. There will also be a survey seeking the same input available in mid-November.

Monday, November 14th, Roosevelt High School from 7-8:30 p.m.
Tuesday, November 15th at Denny Int'l Middle School from 7-8:30 p.m.
Thursday, November 17th at South Shore K-8 from 7-8:30 p.m.

Childcare and light snacks will be available starting at 6:30 pm at all locations.  For interpretation services please e-mail: or call (206)364-7430


Anonymous said…
"These meetings are just to talk about traits/qualities/values that our community is seeking."

OK, I'll bite - is this a trick question? Traits like respect for others, qualities like truthfulness, values like honor?

The atmospehre of fear and intimidation in the schools persists. The teachers union contract is ignored daily. TFA and cronyism and money spent on testing not books and deliberate over-crowding of classrooms instead of hiring another teacher and dumbing down curriculums - all stuff Enfield and DeBell could fix if they wanted to.

So, how about a problem fixer who is actually responsive to the families, not a pr talker or a Broad flunky.

Is that so hard to figure out?

Patrick said…
How about adding: Someone who's all about Seattle schools, not someone who is just using the District as a career stepping stone. Career stepping stone types don't care about the long-term consequences of their decisions, only about avoiding a messy failure within 3-4 years, after which they will have moved on.

Granted, it's not always easy to tell during the interview process. But items like being from outside Washington, hopping from job to job, and going to Broad Superintendent's Academy are red flags, to me.
Melissa Westbrook said…
Amen, Patrick.

Folks, this is really a good gig for someone who wants to put down roots.

We're an urban district but we are not Chicago or Detroit or Dallas.

Seattle is a great place to live. (You can argue about the weather but it has a LOT going for it.)

Seattle has shown itself (at least in its voting for school levies/bonds) to be committed to public education.

Seattle has a base of business/community groups who are willing to help.

Seattle is a stronger city financially than many others in the U.S. today.

Just think - if someone got control of the management of this district, got it organized, on track and financially stable, would running it be that hard? You could commit the MAJORITY of your time to academics and not managing the district.

That would be a superintendent's dream.
Anonymous said…
when I think of all the yuppie swooning and hero worship of highly degree-ed in the TFA emails - and all the board votes to Save The Connected Cronies of Deform

this process is a joke.

why don't they just rubber stamp her 10 year contract with a 10 million golden parachute tonight, and get it over with?

Mindy said…
After the whole debacle of Dr. Enfield firing Mr. Floe--(can anyone enlighten me as to what really was going on there?)--I'd say a national search is in order.

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