Capacity Management Community Meetings

From Seattle Public Schools:

Seattle Public Schools will host three community meetings, to be held on Nov. 28, 29 and Dec. 1, to share information and ask for feedback about the District’s short-term Capacity Management plan for the 2012-13 school year. The District is experiencing considerable enrollment growth, and with that comes challenges. We are gathering input and working on creating a short-, intermediate- and long-term plan to address our capacity. Our enrollment this year is about 48,500 students. We are using this enrollment information, along with projections and community engagement, to analyze capacity for the 2012-13 school year.

A Facilities and Capacity Management Advisory Committee (FACMAC) was established in October, 2011. This volunteer group of community members represents all regions of the city and has diverse interests in various programs. Technical experts and school representatives are also part of the committee.  The FACMAC is working with staff to identify and help address the short, intermediate and long term facilities challenges. As its first task, the group is focusing on our capacity issues for the 2012-13 school year.
To gather as much feedback as possible, Seattle Public Schools will hold three additional community engagement meetings regarding the proposed capacity management plan: 
  • Monday, Nov. 28, 6-7:30 p.m.
    Denny International Middle School Library
    2601 S.W. Kenyon St.

  • Tuesday, Nov. 29, 6-7:30 p.m.
    Eckstein Middle School Library
    3003 N.E. 75th St.

  • Thursday, Dec. 1, 6-7:30 p.m.
    Washington Middle School Library
    2101 S. Jackson St.
The meetings will include presentations by Seattle Public School Capital Projects and Planning staff members, followed by a question and answer period. Comments from the community will be collected, recorded, considered and included in the District’s Short Term Capacity Management planning process. For information on the District’s capacity management process, visit


wsnorth said…
WOW, "We are using ... enrollment information, along with projections and community engagement, to analyze capacity..."

What a concept!! Why couldn't they have done this 3 years ago? Does anyone have any hope this will be anything but another SHAM where the district pretends to listen and then does something bizarre and unexplainable anyway????
wsnorth said…
Based upon the meeting at Denny, I guess not. Same SHAM different day.

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