Seattle Schools Seeks Volunteers for Advanced Learning Advisory Committee

From the district:

Seattle Public Schools is seeking unpaid volunteers to serve on the newly formed Advanced Learning Program Task Force, for terms of up to one year. The task force will consist of approximately 20 members including one or more district staff, principals, teachers, parents and community representatives. Late afternoon meetings will be held monthly beginning in late November at the John Stanford Center for Educational Excellence.

The task force’s primary purpose is to advise district staff as it develops facility recommendations that will support the delivery of services to advanced learners throughout the district. The recommendations will be used by the Seattle Public Schools Facilities and Capacity Management Advisory Committee, Superintendent and School Board. The task force’s work will include a review of Accelerated Progress Program (APP) and Spectrum enrollment patterns, key program elements, family interests, costs and decision-making factors regarding student enrollment in APP and Spectrum programs. Responsibilities will include participating in public meetings, reviewing descriptive data, and weighing the competing interests and constraints surrounding future services for APP and Spectrum.

The task force will meet at least once a month for two hours from November to June with the possibility of additional meetings as needed to provide timely information to the Facilities and Capacity Management Advisory Committee, Superintendent and School Board. District staff will facilitate the meetings. A typical meeting will include a staff presentation on a topic or issue to resolve, followed by dialogue and discussion by the task force members. Staff will review task force input to develop recommendations.

Seattle Public School parents, principals, teachers and community members with an interest in advanced learning programs are encouraged to apply. Interested individuals should submit background information and reasons for their interest via email with “Advanced Learning Task Force” in the subject line to: no later than Monday, Nov. 14.

A district administrative team will select task force members to represent of a cross section of the community and participation in the Accelerated Progress Program and Spectrum program.  Task force members and those not selected will be notified via email or mail sent Nov. 15. The first meeting is scheduled for Nov. 21 from 3:30-5:30 p.m. in Room 2765 of the John Stanford Center, 2445-3rd Ave. S.


Charlie Mas said…
I have sent in an email asking to be selected as a member of this task force.
Anonymous said…
Can members of the public be on the recommendation committee? I see there's a large number of people on the advisory committee, but is there some rule that only district staff can make recommendations?

Anonymous said…
I am a bit confused. So trying to work through the layers of where the AL advisory committee is going to do. Since the info is going to be used by FACMA (oh, my god, another acronym). Is this just about numbers, where to put the programs/students or about the content and quality of the AL programs. Another word it sounds like the priority is space and finding places to deliver AL. But what is AL right now? Who figures that out? Individual buidings? Right now it seems spectrum is no longer spectrum, but more ALO (whatever that means) and APP is a little of this and that depending on which building you are in.

Is this an eventual move to have building determines its own AL model? If you disperse the AL programs all around to more schools, you get more flexibility to deal with capacity problem, but not actual AL program problem.

-confused and curious

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