News from Around the District

The district's School Beat newsletter is now available.  Some of the stories:
  • how to find out if school is delayed or canceled this winter
  • Aki Kurose students break world record in 10-minute indoor rowing
  • Jane Addams K-8 had a Science Career day with 19 scientists, professors and engineers. 
  • Roosevelt's Jazz Band will be playing its annual Duke Ellington's Jazz Nutcracker this weekend.
  • Nathan Hale High School is having its annual poinsettias sale to benefit it horticulture program.
  • Remember those defibrillators the district installed through The Heart of Seattle Schools project?  One of them saved a life recently when an employee at South Shore used one on a friend who collapsed while playing basketball at South Shore.   It only took one shock to bring him back and 911 was there on the scene to take him to the hospital. 
  • John Muir Elementary won the Seattle MathFest 2011 Spirit Award and MLK, Jr. Elementary took second-place at the MathFest held on November 3rd.
  • Ten - count 'em - ten short films by Ballard High video production students were named "works of merit" by the young People's Film Festival, a six-state regional festival. 
What good news have you heard?


David said…
Two new school board members, that's good news!
Anonymous said…
1 of my kids - (high school junior) - asked if the school nurse did eye exams because she said something wasn't right with her vision ...

I said "I don't know" & said go ask the nurse & here's a pass & the nurse gave her a quick check & I got an email 20 mins. later that the student will be sent for a real eye exam & will get help buying glasses if she needs them & can't afford them -

THE Good News ... ??

YOUR Tax Dollars Helping 1 of OUR kids.

Those YES votes matter.

TraceyS said…
I drove by Greenlake Elementary over the weekend, and saw a very cheerful display for their annual Christmas tree sale. Consider stopping by and picking up your tree there this year, and helping a great little school:
RBHS PTSA Secretary said…
2009 Rainier Beach High School alum, Brittany Green Criminal Justice Pre-Law major who attends Lincoln University in Philadelphia, makes the Dean's List during the 2011 Honors Convocation.
Maureen said…
My 8th grader's Ultimate Frisbee team lost to Mercer in the tournament finals and I just have to say that those Mercer kids were fabulous team players and tremendously good sports.
Anonymous said…
Thank you, TraceyS! Green Lake is my kids' school, and the tree lot is a major fundraiser every year. I know Lawton does a tree sale, too.

GLES Parent

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