A Conversation with Lynne Varner

I am repeating my offer to Lynne Varner. I invite her to join me in a reasonable and respectful conversation about public education.

This thread is for that conversation. It will be for just her and me. I will delete comments from anyone else, so don't bother posting them.

Here is her invitation, posted to the comments of her most recent column:

Ms Varner, if you want a calm, nuanced, reasoned and reality-based conversation about Education Reform, I will be delighted to give you one. I'll host.

You can meet me at the saveseattleschools blog. I will make a space for you there. Don't be afraid; it will be just you and me. We can cover any topic you like: testing, charters, unions, the Gates Foundation, Teach for America, the Seattle School Board, math curricula, the opportunity gap, whatever you like. More, I will honor your wish to keep away from any topic you don't want to discuss.

No cheap shots. No debating points. No gotcha. I will show you courtesy and respect and expect the same in return. Just two people who share an interest in improving public education but appear to disagree about how to foster that improvement.

Ms Varner, you have now written two columns about how you pine for a reasonable conversation about education reform. I am offerring you exactly that.
Let's see if she shows up.


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Charlie isn't Censoring, He's Holding Firm to the Rules... said…
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