Silas Didn't Show Up - Arrest Warrant to Be Issued

I attended the arraignment this morning.  Always interesting to see how these things work.

I had never seen the two co-conspirators before - Lorrie Sorenson and David A. Johnson - both appeared and both put in a plea of "not guilty."  Both Mr. Johnson and Ms. Sorenson were to be fingerprinted and processed and then released without bail.

The lawyers for Johnson and Sorenson said that they needed to work together on discovery items.  Additionally, since Ms. Sorenson lives in Nevada and had to fly in for the arraignment, her lawyer asked for two months so she could make arrangements in her life before coming back for the trial.

The trial date was not set (from what I could hear) because of the non-appearance of Potter.   Given the request by the lawyer for Sorenson, I would assume it would not start for a couple of months.

They called Potter's name and he did not appear.  

The prosecutor said they had attempted multiple times to contact Potter.  He moved, left his job and disconnected his phone.  His whereabouts are unknown.  There is a bench warrant out for his arrest and his bail would be set at about $100k (given he is a flight risk).  There were no attorneys appearing in court on his behalf.

I also found out that I had been mistaken about the prosecutor's office speaking with him recently.  Potter's cooperation was months ago but clearly he has changed his mind about speaking with that office.

So Silas surprised me.  I thought he would show up.  I think the fact that he didn't show may mean he has no evidence that might lessen his sentence if he were found guilty at trial or give him immunity from trial.


dan dempsey said…
The prosecutor said they had attempted multiple times to contact Potter. He moved, left his job and disconnected his phone. His whereabouts are unknown. There is a bench warrant out for his arrest and his bail would be set at about $100k (given he is a flight risk). There were no attorneys appearing in court on his behalf.

Having taken flight, seems to be adequate proof of being a flight risk at least for the Court. .... I never quite know about the local courts, so this is reassuring.
someone said…
Well the prosecutor said he had been under the impression Potter was perhaps driving across country to attend the arraignment - rather improbable.

I thought it was fascinating that he didn't show up, especially after all this time of being "findable". I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop on this case - I just have this weird feeling there's more out there that might just surprise us all - but then again, maybe not. Ah the tangled webs....
dan dempsey said…
I just have this weird feeling there's more out there that might just surprise us all

Given the last four years it is getting harder and harder to surprise a lot of us.
dw said…
I just have this weird feeling there's more out there that might just surprise us all

Didn't Potter make some kind of comment at one point that he was going to spill the beans and "out" people? Maybe he has to disappear long enough for Fred Stephens to get his story straight, or leave the country.

I cannot wait to hear what Potter has to say under oath (as if he would care about lying under oath). If any of these clowns believe they can even partially clear themselves of blame by including others who were also to blame, it's going to be great entertainment. When Potter is found - and he will be found (he's not smart enough to stay hidden forever) - grab your popcorn.
someone said…
Well, if I was a Silas type guy - I'd be somewhere in the Florida Keys, sitting on a beach sipping mai tais paid for with my ill-gotten gains and laughing at us dweebs up here in Seattle.

I'm certain there are a few people around here who hope that's the case ;o)
Patrick said…
Why assume he's not smart enough to stay hidden forever? He was smart enough to take the District from upwards of 3/4 million without their noticing. He may be in South America in one of those countries that doesn't believe in extradition already.
another mom said…
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dw said…
He was smart enough to take the District from upwards of 3/4 million without their noticing.

Yeah, but that wasn't due to him being amazingly clever, it was due to the district being amazingly stupid. Or blind. Or both.

You could still be right, but now that law enforcement is involved, my bet is on him either showing up or screwing up. Either of which is fine by me. Heck, if he's on the lam hiding in 3rd world countries, looking over his shoulder 24/7, that's okay with me too.
dan dempsey said…
Maybe Silas wants to check the election returns before he comes back. .... tune in Wednesday or Thursday.
Anonymous said…
They found him:
Patrick said…
Yep. I have to eat my words about him probably being in some country with no extradition treaty.
ArchStanton said…
Ooh, good. We need a new circus sideshow now that the elections are mostly over.

That was quick.
someone said…
When I read the headline to my husband who was in another room - he called back "sing little canary sing" ;o)

This is better than silly soap operas any day - and Silas my man, you are just not the brightest bulb out there - if you are going to run from reality, at least run someplace exotic! ;o)

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