I KNEW It Would Be a Traffic Stop; Potter Arrested in Florida

From the Times:

Silas Potter Jr., the central figure in the Seattle Public Schools financial scandal, was arrested during a traffic stop early Wednesday near Tampa, Fla., after he failed to appear for arraignment Tuesday on theft charges in King County Superior Court.

A King County sheriff's detective who handles fugitive cases received a tip and relayed it to U.S. marshals, who found Potter, sheriff's spokesman John Urquhart said Wednesday morning.

I had a feeling that since Potter was a non-violent criminal that it might hard to find him (he only pays cash and had disconnected his cell phone).  But sure enough, he got stopped on a traffic stop.

He will make his first court appearance in Florida on Thursday, Kincheloe said.

Dan Donohoe, spokesman for the Prosecutor's Office, said prosecutors hope to learn on Thursday whether Potter will waive extradition.

If Potter agrees to extradition, he could be brought to Seattle in a matter of days, Donohoe said. If not, it could take about a month for the extradition request to be resolved, he said.

So maybe up to a month to get him back and another month (or so) for all the discovery motions to get through and maybe the court will give all the lawyers for these three time to meet, so I'm thinking we won't see this trial until maybe the beginning of March. 

Someone commented on a previous thread - "grab your popcorn."  No kidding.


Josh Kerns said…
He doesn't look too happy: http://www.hcso.tampa.fl.us/PublicInquiry/Arrest/View/Mugshot?id=11053912&k1=8ce6d14fe2b85f8&k2=MzEwNDgwNzU2
po3 said…
Thing of it is, the guy had a job, with benefits. Could have retired on SPS. But instead is sitting in cell.

Worth it?
ArchStanton said…
...and could have done some real, good work that would have benefited the community he was supposed to be serving - instead of lining the pockets of his friends and himself. Instead, he ruined it for everyone else.

/repeating myself
Anonymous said…
Talk, Silas, talk.

Chris S. said…
So hilarious it happened so quick. Either they do racial profiling down there or he's really not all that smart...
Charlie Mas said…
Seriously, the guy couldn't go two days without getting pulled over by the cops?

Maybe it was one of those "Don't think of an elephant." kind of things. If you drive all hyperconscious of doing it perfectly, you will make some huge error.
dw said…
Someone commented on a previous thread - "grab your popcorn." No kidding.

Yeah, that was me, and I'm soooo looking forward to the trial.

The scary thing is that Patrick and I were only discussing this yesterday when I made this comment:

but now that law enforcement is involved, my bet is on him either showing up or screwing up. Either of which is fine by me.

As prescient as that comment appears, there's no way I would have predicted that it would happen this fast! I'm tempted to agree with Charlie's "don't think of an elephant" notion, because it's just unbelievable that a guy who's trying to hide would get caught that quickly. Now watch, he'll deny he was even hiding. He'll try to say he was on his way up to Seattle when he was pulled over.
Welcome Back, Potter said…
Welcome back,

Your cons were your ticket out.

Welcome back,

To that same old place that you laughed about.

Well charges have been laid since you hung around,

Tips and warrants went out and you were found.

Who'd have thought your money
Would lead to a felony (lead to a felony)

Well we tease him a lot 'cuz we got him on the spot
Welcome back
(Welcome back
Welcome back
Welcome back)
ArchStanton said…
Golf clap.

That might inspire me to do a photoshop. Was going to do a "Where in the World is Silas Potter?", but they found him too quickly.
Welcome Back, Potter said…
ArchStanton, if you do a Welcome Back Kotter Photoshop parody, I hope you have Potter's Hillsborough County Mugshot tagged with Freddie Boom-Boom Washington's "Hi there."
ArchStanton said…
Photoshop up for your Saturday morning amusement:
Welcome Back Potter
Welcome Back, Potter said…
Thank you, ArchStanton!

WV: bonglyzz - herb-friendly all-female band with psychedelic covers of "Hazy Shade of Winter" and "Manic Monday."

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