SPS To Pay Out to Teacher Over Health Issues at Hale

From the Times (and thanks to a reader tip!):

A former Seattle teacher has reached a $750,000 settlement from the public-school district that fired her seven years ago for not returning to work in a school building she said was harmful to her health.

The teacher, 14-year drama and language instructor Denise Frisino, sued Seattle Public Schools after the district fired her from Nathan Hale High School in 2005, according to court documents.

The lawsuit was initially thrown out by a King County judge, but an appeals court overturned that decision and the two parties settled on the eve of a scheduled new trial this fall. The settlement, finalized this week, did not constitute an admission of guilt, according to attorneys on both sides.

What to think?

Well, I know there were definitely mold issues at Hale and these were documented and affected students as well.

Sometimes I wish the district would know when to fight and when to not fight.  The lawyers fees on this case are probably huge and now there $750K out the door.  (I don't know; is there insurance coverage for this?)


Catherine said…
I believe SPS is self insured for all incidents under $1million, then their insurance policy kicks in.
Juana said…
One can only wish that the district might see potentially similar complaints from Arbor Heights staff and students, and would place that school at the top of the list for renovation/ repair/whatever is needed.
Joyce said…
I know what I think. The "disability" caused by the mold didn't prevent her from working as a real estate agent, traveling all over the world (including Europe, twice) and writing a book! She even had the strength to argue in court with her neighbor over a boundary dispute! Anyone who really knows her will tell you that this is about getting attention for herself! It's pitiful- as the money is desperately needed in the district!
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