It's graduation season. It's a time of great happiness and pride for both students and parents as well as school staff. (And some relief.) Congratulations to all our SPS graduates - you will probably never know how many good wishes follow you as you graduate. When we parents look out at all those beautiful, young, hopeful faces, we truly want you to seek your passion in life and then, make a plan and go out there and strive for it. A couple of notable grad stories. In Mississippi, several people, including students, received fines for cheering too loudly at a high school graduation. I myself have mixed feelings. While one person describes graduation as a "sacred event," (a description I don't agree with), there has to be some respect for ALL who attend. Cheering so loudly that you drown out the next student's name being called is not cool. (Also, bringing an air horn to an indoor graduation, is also not cool but it happened at one so...