Executive Meeting of the Whole

The Executive Committee of the Whole will meet tomorrow.  The agenda includes this:

Plaintiff is a former student at Nathan Hale High School who alleges that on February 11, 2010, he was weightlifting at school and sustained a significant back injury. He claims that the District failed to properly supervise this activity.

This case is currently scheduled for trial in King County Superior Court in late June. The instructor and principal are also current defendants in the lawsuit. Based on all the relevant facts, it is the recommendation of the Acting General Counsel and the outside counsel defending the District that this lawsuit should be settled at this time for $325,000, rather than allowing this case to proceed to trial.

If the Superintendent is authorized to settle this case, a Settlement and Release will be drafted and Plaintiff will release all claims and dismiss the lawsuit against all defendants in exchange for the $325,000 payment. 

- also, the Resolution about the SBAC is an agenda item but in a really rough form
- also, an "Alternative Calendar" is there and up for discussion.  I don't know what that terms means.


Furious Monkey. said…
The District needs to start taking some of these cases to trial.
mirmac1 said…
The rough Resolution is much improved from the bland pap originally drafted by staff.
Anonymous said…
The sports boosters pay for a trainer and I don't believe anyone is allowed to use the weight room unsupervised. I wonder if that happened after this incident.


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