Good Luck Grads of 2015!

It's graduation season.  It's a time of great happiness and pride for both students and parents as well as school staff.  (And some relief.)  Congratulations to all our SPS graduates - you will probably never know how many good wishes follow you as you graduate.  When we parents look out at all those beautiful, young, hopeful faces, we truly want you to seek your passion in life and then, make a plan and go out there and strive for it.

A couple of notable grad stories.

In Mississippi, several people, including students, received fines for cheering too loudly at a high school graduation.  I myself have mixed feelings.  While one person describes graduation as a "sacred event," (a description I don't agree with), there has to be some respect for ALL who attend.  Cheering so loudly that you drown out the next student's name being called is not cool.  (Also, bringing an air horn to an indoor graduation, is also not cool but it happened at one son's middle school graduation.) 

Mutual respect at a happy event should be the order of the day.  

(Also, as someone who has now graduated two sons from both high school and college, I have to smile at all the "rules" at the graduation ceremonies versus universities.  Roosevelt wouldn't allow anything written on caps nor flowers. Meanwhile, you go to another SPS high graduation and find...messages on caps and flowers.)

Senior prank or just annoying and wrong?  72,000 ladybugs set loose in a high school. 

Great senior comment from one young lady. 
I need feminism because I intend on marrying rich and I can't do that if my wife and I are making .75 cent (sic) for every dollar a man makes.
 Finally, the seniors at Kahuku High in Oahu put on quite a show including Shake it Off and Uptown Funk and our hometown favorite, Macklemore  (I don't recognize the graduation song they start with, anyone?) Naturally they end with a Hawaiian dance/chant. Good job, kids!


Hot Stuff said…
Must say it's ironic that a Hawaiian school, very diverse, has a mascot,the Red Raider, who appears to be a Plains Indian.

Really, all that happiness and that's all you see?
Charlie Mas said…
Did any of the Seattle schools have gender divided graduation ceremonies this year or did that weird tradition end last year?
Anonymous said…
Seattle school graduations start next week. Hale's is on Tuesday June 9th. I think the earliest one is Sunday June 7th?

Lynn said…
Interagency West Seattle had graduation Wednesday. I was really impressed by the Interagency students who testified at the board meeting this week. Also by Director Patu's outrage over the closing of their program.
Yes, Patu was on fire on that subject.

I had noted that when my son graduated from Hale, they separated the boys from the girls but I don't know if they still do that.
Anonymous said…

That graduation was not Interagency, but Middle College @ High Point - the program being shut down, unilaterally, arbitraily and capriciously by letter to the student's families without notice to the staff there. See last Wednesday's School Board meeting compelling video testimony and WSBlog coverage and coverage here. Extraordinary testimony, from community, former and current students and staff and from J. Knapp, President of SEA.

This program saves lives and is absolutely a part of the Strategic Plan and MTSS.

Several Boardmembers expressed their concern - we will see.....

Rumors and innuendo are rife, and the District's FAQ's distributed at the meeting regarding the eviction of the program from South Seattle College in 2012 were incorrect. The fact that the WS program is not on a college campus is one of the reasons it is on the chopping block, yet the Northgate program is not on a collegecampus, either. Several other campuses have like or lower numbers (another reason given, is that MCHS@HP has low numbers.....) In fact, , the District then did not respond to South Seattle's request for rent for over a year, Thank Ron English, then Acting General Counsel, now General Counsel on administrative leave since February, and Aurora Lora, TFA, then WS EX., long gone, for this. Groundhog day.

Leslie Harris
Candidate for SPS DIrector, Pos. No. 6

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