Let's Review Those SBAC Promises from OSPI

Thanks to Ann Donovan for this.

From OSPI's Smarter Balanced Top 10 Reasons Why Washington is Making the Switch 

In the "who says" category - #1
Washington’s new state learning standards in English language arts and math (Common Core) are designed to prepare students for career, college, and life.

In the "what the heck does this mean" category - #3
The Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium took advantage of each member state’s technical, practical, and political expertise to ensure a blend of everyone.

In the "liar, liar" category - #4
Quicker results - Individual scores will be available within three weeks of a student completing the summative tests.

In the "show me the numbers" category - #6
Less expensive - The state is allegedly saving $6M a year.

In the "show me the numbers/define 'involvement' " category - #7
Teacher involvement -From developing test items, to setting achievement levels, to vetting Digital Library materials, Washington teachers have been involved every step of the way.
In the "results may vary or "adjust" category - #8
Proficiency rates will be lower at first than what we’re used to. That doesn’t mean students have “failed.” As students adjust to the college- and career-ready standards, results will improve.
I'll remind everyone that we put a man on the moon (and brought him) back. Before anyone else in the world. With our crummy old standards.

In the "if this, then that" category - #9
Computer adaptive - These tests present an individually tailored set of questions to each student and can quickly identify which skills students have mastered.
Yes but how much time, space and computer costs does this "computer adaptive" test take? And how come parents won't see these test results before the end of the summer?

In the "let's see how long this lasts" category - #10
Connection to higher ed - Washington’s public universities, colleges, and community colleges will use a student’s Smarter Balanced scores for course-level placement.

I think they should have let the 10 Top List be David Letterman's domain.


Anonymous said…
Oh my... the Top reason is missing from this list.

because the Gates Foundation decided you all will do this and Arne Duncan bullied states into this. .... and then our legislators said Yes Master.

-- Dan Dempsey
Anonymous said…

Where is all the rigor that everyone keeps talking about? It has been two years and we have yet to see any writing come home with teacher comments. What happened to testing content? This year we have only seen math and some spelling tests come home. No science. No writing. No social studies. We are very disappointed with the shift from content to skills for these Standarized Tests.

Anonymous said…
Thinking about OSPI and Common Core leads us to Arne Duncan and his refusal to grant WA an NCLB waiver because WA State does not require VAM (Value Added Measures) in teacher evaluation. {Translation from Ed Speak - using student test scores to evaluate teachers}

In the June 16th NY Times appears "How to Grade a Teacher"


Grading of teachers is yet another reason for OSPI's pushing of Common Core, it fits with the big plan to evaluate teachers.

-- Dan Dempsey

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