Last Day of School and Some Good News

The Seattle World School had its first graduating class of students who finished the four-year program.  Thirteen students from five different countries were the graduates.  The 4-year program has 175 students overall.  Congratulation graduates!

(World School, in a day, raised $8,000 to pay for the funeral of Cuong Uong, a student who drown in Lake Washington on June 7th.)

The Times had a great story about the fabulous Ballard High film program that continues to roll on to more awards.  And one name - and you better remember it because this kid will win an Emmy or Oscar someday, Leo Pfeifer - was involved in every single film that won an award.

The program won five awards the films they entered into the competition, some documentaries and drama.  The awards were given at the NW Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences festival. 

As well, two documentaries won awards at the Dominique Dunne Film Competition (you'll remember Ms. Dunne as the older sister in the original Poltergeist).  Another documentary won a jury prize at the recent Seattle International Film Festival.

Oh that last day of school - such fun memories.  (With apologies to the lyrics being out of order -
To Sir With Love.)

The time has come for closing books
And long last looks must end
And as I leave I know
That I am leaving my best friend

A friend who taught me right from wrong
And weak from strong
That's a lot to learn, what
can I give you in return?

Those school girl days of telling tales
And biting nails are gone
But in my mind I know
They will still live on and on


Anonymous said…
Here's another good news story. Recovery School success!!

After Years Of Substance Abuse, A Diploma

cmj said…
Thank you for the link, katydid! That's marvelous!
seattle citizen said…
Ah, I'd forgotten that beautiful movie, To Sir With Love....beautiful; beautiful song. Who sang that? She had one name....Lulu?
Yes, that was Lulu and she sang it again on American Idol in 2008? and was great.
seattle citizen said…
I love that movie. Have to watch it again. After I buy a box of kleenex.
Patrick said…
Nine years down, four to go.

Bye bye, Hazel Wolf, it was great.
mirmac1 said…
Last day of HS Band, first day of All-City Band!

Sign up today!
Patrick, those last four? They fly by. Hold them close while you can.
NW mom said…
Patrick, they certainly do. Mine just graduated on Friday and I'm wondering where the the last four years went. /sob
Anonymous said…
Hey Patrick, is yours joining the others at Shorecrest for high school or are you staying in SPS? My kid's friend from Hazel Wolf is going to Shorecrest instead of Hale which was a disappoint for my kid.

Patrick said…
My daughter is going to Roosevelt. She was so shy at the orientation, trying to hide in the darkest corner available. The high school students, so tall, so loud. The principal who seemed nice but my impression is doesn't spend much time with individual students. But a couple of my daughter's friends are going there too, so I hope it won't be so difficult.
mirmac1 said…
Patrick, my daughter was shy and nervous too. Her year was bumpy at times but she has matured a lot and is very together, sensible, and confident now. I attribute that to the great counseling she gets at the NeighborCare clinic (certainly not from my parenting!)
NW mom said…
Patrick, my daughter was very nervous about going to Ballard from Salmon Bay, and she ended up loving it almost immediately. Yay for the music program and having band camp the first weekend of school - she came back with a bunch of new friends she still has. I hope your daughter has a wonderful time at Roosevelt.
Anonymous said…
Patrick, I would advise your daughter to get involved with a sport or music or club right away. It really helps kids integrate when they start making connections. If she likes running, cross-country usually has running programs over the summer which is a great way to meet the other kids at school.

Good luck to your daughter!

Patrick, my son graduated from Roosevelt. Brian Vance is a good guy but the principal of a very large school with lots of moving parts. The good news? Your daughter will find her tribe. There are a LOT of things happening at Roosevelt (they even used to have a Harry Potter club).

The shock to her system might be the blight right across the street AND the building of the light rail station right next to the school. But it'll all work out.
Patrick said…
Yes, I'm sure she'll find her place. She did sign up for a couple of clubs and Ultimate, and will be interested in theatre. I'm not sure which interests will turn out to be her best fit, but she'll find something.

Such a beautiful building. Makes Palo Alto High and a lot of the UW buildings look like dumps.
GarfieldMom said…
Patrick, my friend's daughter started there last year knowing no one, pretty nervous about it all. She has flourished! Ditto to what HP said, I've found with my kids that getting involved in some kind of club or activity right away helps the transition so much. Best of luck to her, my son just graduated and it does fly by!
Josh Hayes said…
It should work out well for her, Patrick: the ultimate team there is a close-knit bunch but very welcoming of new players. One of my daughter's best friends went from Pinehurst (teeny weeny!) to Roosevelt, where she knew NOBODY, and quickly fit in with the ultimate team. The kids there seem to me to be very friendly, and Melissa's right: there's a home for everybody.

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