Happy Father's Day

To all the Dads, Daddys, Papas, Pops, Old Man and even "Fathers" - thank you for being there for your children.

 I always say that if parents send your children out into the world as thoughtful, kind human beings who obey the law and support themselves, you've done your job as a parent (and society thanks you). 

It is a difficult day at my home as it's the first Father's Day my sons will have without their loving papa; it would also have been my husband's 57th birthday.

He was a wonderful father and we were so lucky to have him in our lives.


Anonymous said…
Unknown said…
Sending kind wishes to you and your sons.

-AH parent
dw said…
Much love to you and your family. I bet you can look at your kids and see their father in them, not just in appearance, but in many ways. A gift from him that lives on.

(( More Hugs! ))
Anonymous said…
Hoping for peace and happy memories for your family today.

seattle citizen said…
Thinking of you and your family today, Melissa.
Carol Simmons said…
I also wish you peace and happy family memories today and always.


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