Summer Food Service Program

From SPS Communications:

The Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) is a federally-funded child nutrition program that provides reimbursement to local organizations that provide free, nutritious meals to children and teens, 18 years and younger, when school meal programs are not available.

The Summer Meals Program can offer up to two meals per day: breakfast, lunch, dinner and/or snacks. Anyone under 18 is free to come and receive a meal; no documentation or proof of age is required. Meal sites are located all over King County. To find the site nearest to you, call 1-888-436-6392, text MEALS to 96859, or go to


lendlees said…
For NE Seattle:
Jet City mom said…
Ballard & Fremont don't have hungry kids?
I remember when this was offered at Gilman Park, along with staffed activities.
NW mom said…
Jet City mom - I remember that too, along with Soundview park behind Whitman. I see there are meal services at Viewlands, Broadview Thompson, North Acres Park, and Sandel Park. But nothing south of 85th.
Anonymous said…
more food resources:

Queen Anne Helpline

Ballard Food Bank

Queen Anne Food Bank

Northwest Harvest

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