Don't Hold Your Breath II

On January 11, I wrote this blog post called Don't Hold Your Breath about my doubts that the district staff would follow up on commitments to make corrections to the school reports. The blog post also expressed my dismay at a Board that appears completely unfamiliar with the whole idea of following up. They actually accepted promises of future action from a staff person that they knew was leaving the District. Incredible.

It has now been over three months since the changes were promised (and promised promptly), yet we still have not seen any of the promised action.

I wrote to a couple of Board members asking about it. One of them forwarded my concern to the superintendent. She wrote back on Thursday the 17th that the changes would be made on Friday, March 18. The changes were not made. I wrote back to the Board member to make her aware of that fact.

No response.

This sort of stuff does not restore public trust in the District.

I recognize that this sort of thing may appear petty, but this is the stuff that determines the level of trust in the District. Do they tell the truth? Do they get their numbers right? Do they keep their commitments? Do they follow through as promised?


No, it's not petty. If something is said at a public meeting, then they should keep the promise/commitment they state. If not, then okay, why not and when they will follow-thru.

I'm sure the Board is very frustrated but to Charlie's point, what is the truth about trust in this district. It kind of throws Reagan's "trust but verify" into "verify before you trust."
Charlie Mas said…
Director Smith-Blum suggested to me that the Colorado Growth Model is dead. The delay in updating the school report has been a consequence of trying to find a more meaningful measure.

Of course that doesn't excuse the delay in updating the Advanced Learner numbers nor does it excuse the silence. They need to acknowledge that it is taking longer than they led people to believe it would take.

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