Seattle Schools Budget Information Posted

The district has posted a spreadsheet document for the budget.   It is quite large and very detailed and I have not plowed through it myself.

One thing that did jump out at me was the amount of money we pay to private schools (roughly $300k).  I know there's a reason the district has to pay for students to attend them but it eludes me right now.  Can anyone jog my memory?


lendlees said…
I think it's for students whose needs cannot be met in any public school--the district has to pay for their education whether it be a private school or some other medium.
Greg Linden said…
Just a heads up, you have a broken link to the document. The link looks like it should go to:

And here is a direct link to the spreadsheet:
Thanks Lendlees. I'm going to have to check that RCW because it seems weird that so many of them are Catholic schools.
Greg Linden said…
I have to say, I've often been a critic, but the District deserves kudos for publishing this line-item budget. It provides deep visibility into where the District spends its money.

The "Budget by Activity" and "Budget Detail by Activity Group" tabs are particularly useful to understand where the money goes. The transparency this provides is remarkable, especially on areas that have been mysterious to me in the past like "Teaching Support" and "Other Supportive Activities".

Excellent that they made this available.
anonymous said…
I agree with Greg. Things do appear to be creeping in the right direction. Finally.
mirmac1 said…
Seattle Public Schools is the custodian of Title I funds generated by students in non-public schools within the District’s boundaries. This tells me fed money follows the child.

I'm curious whether the Board has always been privy to this level of detail before. Please inquire.
Charlie Mas said…
Prior to the Goodloe-Johnson administration, this sort of data was always available.

In addition, we used to be able to see the funding for each school.
mirmac1 said…
Here goes:

CFO $189K
CAO $175K
Chief Talent Officer $142K

Exec Dirs:
Strategic Planning $145K
Communication $142K
Finance $113K (funded at 9/10?)
Facilities $52K (funded at 1/3?)
Instructional Services $117K
Spec Ed $137K
Area Ed Directors $122K ave.

Policy & Gov Relation $105K
Labor Realtions $130K
Health & Safety $94K
Systemic Interventions $107K
CTE $99K
Nutrition Services $83K
SpecEd $108K
Early Learning $103K
El & International $113K

Asst Dirs:
Nutrition Services $83K

IT Managers (4)$110K ea. (some grant funded)
Strat Plan & Rptg $110K
School Family Partner. $79K
School Comm Partner. $68K (funded at 8/10)
Leadership Dvlp $101K
Acctg Svc $95K
Environmental Qty $87K
Environmental Svc $90K
Risk & Loss Prev $95K
HR (4) $90K ea.
Work/Mgmnt Systems (?) $90K
Transportation $84K
Small Bus Dev(!) $8.5K (funded 1/10)
Academic Plan. & Sch Imp $92K
Grants $92K
Emp Ass Prog $83K
Payroll Svc $96K
Budget $79K (funded at 7/10)
Early Learning (2.5)$76K ea.
Reading Programs $110K
Curriculum Alignm. $72K

Sr HR Analysts (10!) $69K ea

My fingers are getting tired...
Anonymous said…
I see that our school has a 0.5 FTE elementary counselor in the budget, which I thought was being cut for next year, so good news.

It's interesting to compare individual school budgets - What is "Salary Adjustment Reserve" and why does it vary so much? Is this part of the new teacher evaluation/bonus?

A reader
mirmac1 said…
Gates Funded

Prof Dev./Curriculum Y1
Applications Dev Sr. (3) $100K ea
Textual Materials $7.5K
Extra time- Certificated $51K
Project Mgr, Cur Align $72k
Misc. Professional Svc $125K
Contractual Services $300K

The last two must be for the PSC and sole source contracts Gates wants.

Reg and Membership Dues $5K
Office Helper - Hourly $8.5K
Extra time- Certificated $21K
Overtime - Classified $43K
Contractual Services $55K
Program Evaluator 50K
Data Fellow 80K
Instr Svcs School Coach (4) $60K ea

L&T Science & Math $60K

So, for making the rest of us jump through hoops and do without SpecEd, RTI, take multiple tests, lose sports, and get watered down APP and Spectrum, it seems like peanuts.
Wanano said…
To Anonymous A Reader
"I see that our school has a 0.5 FTE elementary counselor in the budget, which I thought was being cut for next year, so good news."

This is the budget for this year FY11

Next year is FY12
Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
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Paul said…
Hey mirmac

And most of those "managers" in HR have 1 person to "manage" and that person is titled "Senior".

There ARE no regular employees in HR.

During the mushrooming of that department over the last few years, EVERYBODY got salary increases by title change.

And then they can't be cut because they are so critical to the mission of the district.


When is change coming?
Anonymous said…
Thank you SUSAN ENFIELD. I and several others have asked about these documents from a number of people and only now have they been made public. THANK YOU.

Data reader
Sarah said…
I'd noticed a Seattle Times article stating MGJ gave Fred Stephens a raise- $106K to $150K. Nearly fifty percent raise isn't bad.

Clearly, managers and directors should take a pay cut before RIF's are even considered.
The Real Arnold said…
I think the $300K to private schools has to do with a Title 1 requirement where the district uses those fed funds to pay for services provided to private schools. So although the district doesn't actually give any of the money directly to private schools, they do have to pay for Title 1 services that the private schools obtain.
KG said…
Hiding the truth was Duggan HArman and his happy new boss Bob Boesche as Duugan did not know what percentage the District spent on Central admin. He thought it was close to 6% now that other districts spend on it. All he works
with is budget all day, why does he not know? If it is around 6% then all the coaches were moved from Central Admin. to teaching. This is not a real central cut but hiding central administrators in other line items, just like they are going to do this year by calling maintenance Central admin. though they are not, and putting 2.6 million in capital. What an ethical trustwothy thing to do.
Well John Stanford did this with custodians but totally cut 60 o0f them in 1996 and called them central admin. cut. The fish wroughts from the head down.
someone said…
The numbers for HR seem staggering to me - 10 sr analysts!!, plus 4 managers, PLUS a "chief talent officer"? I used to work for the state - our agency shared ONE Personnel analyst with at least 10 other agencies. I just do not get what justifies that kind of overkill - I'd be very interested in the whys of that situation.
wow - just wow
mirmac1 said…

And you're not even counting the 8.5 FTEs paid by the TIF grant. Who's gonna pay for those bodies when the grant runs out? Will they become website experts next?
Not happy said…
From Mirmac's post:

$145K Director Strategic Planning + $110K Manager Strategic Planning =
$255K for strategic planning.

That's a lot of bananas.
Salander said…
And yet the claim is that "cuts to classroms and schools have been minimized".

The District acts like reducing the weighted student formula is a positive step. That is the ONLY money that goes to fund school staff, supplies and student interventions.

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