Good News in the District

SPS reports:
  • An Aki Kurose teacher has been selected for a Fulbright Classroom Teacher Exchange.  Math teacher Suzanne Mayer was the only Washington State teacher selected for this honor.  She will travel to India in August and stay until January 2012.  A teacher from India will take her place during that time period at Aki Kurose. 
  • Robert Ettinger, a teacher at Mercer Middle School, received the Amgen Award for Teaching Science Excellence.  He receives $5,000 and Mercer receives $5,000 towards science development there.  Ettinger was chosen to receive the award because of his creative teaching methods and effectiveness in the classroom, according to Carol Pawlak of Amgen Washington.

  • Center School students Tara Conley, Riley Moffitt, Jasiah Ruby, Sophie Mitchell and Sam Wolk won the 48-Hour Film Off at the  National Film Festival for Talented Youth. Their film, Jam the Jam, was both the audience and judges' favorite.  Center High received $2500 for their film program and one student won a scholarship and the others won merchandise.
  • NJ Governor Chris Christie will nominate Cami Anderson for Newark schools chief (thus eliminating Maria Goodloe-Johnson for consideration of the post).  So instead of a Broadie, they get a TFA Tribble.  Good luck, Newark. 


Sahila said…
thanks for the laugh, Melissa.... TFA Tribble.... really, really love it....

Broadie Toadies and TFA Tribbles.... what shall we name the Bush "principals" when they come online?
Anonymous said…
I have to share this, thought it's not relevant to the post at hand. I think it's a nice, succinct look at current climate.

Former teacher
Sahila said…
SHRUBS..Pet name for Bush Institute military, sport, business "principals" coming online to a public school near you soon.. 50,000 by 2020..
Anonymous said…

I would like to clarify The Center School Film team. There were four students on the team:

Tara Conley, Riley Moffitt, Jasiah Ruby, Sophie Mitchell, Sam Wolk

The MagnoliaVoice blog only printed two team members names. Is there any way to update your post to include all the students names. We would really appreciate it.


Liz Wolk
TCS/CSCA Parent Rep
Anonymous said…
Sorry, that is FIVE members...TERC math skills.

Liz W.

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